Hot Toys'
TrueType Figure Advanced Version African American (modeled after President Obama) arrived yesterday from Prior to his arrival, I had an outfit in mind.
His muscular physique interfered drastically with the Ken fashion I had on hand.
Ken's sunglasses do fit him.
Civilian pieces purchased from Old Joe Infirmary (they're offline for a while) will have to do for now: a lavender dress shirt, black denim jeans, and black mock-lace oxfords. The look on his face is stern, but he appears relaxed in casual clothes. I did not want to "suit him" up anyway.
In comparison to the Obama figure by DID, I like Hot Toys' figure better for the following reasons:
- His complexion is even--the head color matches his body and extremities.
- The head sculpt better captures the President's likeness including ear size. Unlike DID, they failed to include the mole by his nose, however.
- Hot Toys painted the hair better.
- Both figures can stand without the assistance of a display stand, but Hot Toys included one.
- Hot Toys' extra thigh muscles may be an added plus for some. I quickly removed them.
- The Hot Toys figure has one set of extra hands (the DID figure has two extra sets). The fingers are flexible on the Hot Toys figure. DID's are not.
- They both pose well, but the DID figure has more abdominal muscles and more articulation in that area.
I took several additional photos. Click to enlarge in another window for better detail.
All they need now is at least one 11-1/2-inch vinyl replica of the First Lady.
Hot Toy's TrueType (Obama) and DID's Obama Action Figures (in box and in white shirt) |
PS I should mention that DID's figure has two heads. I purchased an extra body for the open-mouthed head, which is the one illustrated above in the white shirt. The other, which is dressed in a suit, is kept in the box along with the accessories:
fringed American flag with pole and stand, stool, microphone, extra necktie, and extra hands.