
Become a Guest Blogger

Doll makers and collectors may rent Black Doll Collecting space for a nominal fee to showcase new dolls on the market or to share their private collections.

Doll Makers may write a brief post (up to 500 words) and provide high-resolution images of their dolls that are related to Black Doll Collecting. The post should contain details about the doll to include height, materials used to make the doll, hair and eye color, whether the hair is rooted or wigged, price, and current availability. What inspired the creation of the doll always generates interest. Include your contact information, website, and/or where to purchase.

Collectors if you would like to share your Black doll collection with the readers of this blog, consider becoming a guest blogger. The word limitations and photo guidelines described under Doll Makers apply. Your post might share what inspired your collection, your favorite doll(s) to collect, your future collecting plans, and/or include a few dolls you would like to sell if you are willing to pay the blog host a nominal commission fee when the doll sells. 

I will review and publish guest posts after any necessary editing is done that meets with each guest's approval. The post will remain on the blog as the main post (the first post seen by visitors) and as the featured post (visible on the side panel of the home page) for an entire week. During the time the guest blog is the main post, the guest should also be available to answer any questions that might be posted as comments to the post.

If   Only doll-related posts by doll artists or doll collectors are accepted as guest posts on this blog.

For pricing and additional information about becoming a Black Doll Collecting guest blogger, please click or tap the contact link below.


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