
Monday, November 9, 2009

Can you tell by now... well the Black Doll Enthusiast blogger name fits me?  My collection is very eclectic and incorporates a few antique, but mostly vintage-to-modern black dolls of all types and mediums.  While a black porcelain doll began my adult collection in 1991, porcelain is my least favorite medium.  I shy away from it as much as possible.  One recent exception was made, but because the doll did not appeal to me 100%, it was returned to the manufacturer.

I wrote the above blurb as an explanation for sharing the following "dolls" that I spotted online at - ventriloquist dolls!  Yes, I own some black versions of these, too.  If anyone else is interested in just looking at them (even if you find them creepy), the link to their image and ordering information follows:

Ventriloquist Dolls



  1. oh creepy indeed... it is funny that I collect dolls because ventriloquist dolls and life sized mannequins scare the heck outta me O_o

    miniature is good... lol

  2. Ummm ... I gotta say, I'm none too keen on the ventriloquist dummies. I can't bring myself to call them dolls. Eeewww. Lots of horror movies have ventriloquist dummies ... scary ones ;-D


  3. They do kind of creep me out but they are also a source of childhood nostalgia so I have mixed feelings about them. LOL


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