
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pre-Purchase Browsing

(Image scanned from the back of Darren's box) So In Style Rocawear dolls: Grace, Kara, Trichelle, Chandra, and Darren

Before going to Toys R Us today, I decided to see if the Rocawear dolls' images were on the TRU website. They are, all except Rocawear S.I.S. Grace, that is.   My plan was to order them from TRU online if they had not been available at the local store, particularly since one online seller is offering them in a buy it now auction for a three-figure amount!

My wait for them is over:  My husband purchased the set for me while we were at TRU.

I like Trichelle's fashion the best.  I'll share photos after I've deboxed them.



  1. I am keeping my fingers crossed that my friend can find the Grace doll for me (she wears black and coral my fave colours and rose floral prints! + demure make up *love*)

    From what I've heard, these SiS Rocawear dolls are flying off the shelves O_o

  2. Yay, Debbie! I haven't seen the Rocawear dolls yet. I did see all three Black Barbie Basics though. Posted a photo of them on my blog. Still giddy because I snapped photos in a Toys R Us.

    Yep, I'm baaadddd ;-D

  3. LOL... yep you are baaad, D7ana. I saw the Basics in the store today, too. In fact, I have a box in the LR waiting to be opened from that probably contains the three that I ordered. I'm too tired to open the box. Will save that surprise for tomorrow. I did pull the cello open on Trichelle's box... I really do love her outfit!

    DOC - I can get Grace for you if you'd like. Just let me know. TRU had plenty, but most are on display across from the entrance. I don't think they will be there very long. Some of the Basics were there, too. The young lady who checked us out studied one Rocawear doll's box for a few seconds and asked/said to herself, "I wonder when we got these in? These are nice." It's the Rocawear name that will interest non-doll collectors, especially teens who are into labels. Let me know if you need me to pick the Grace up for you.

  4. omg? really oh yes please... I've told my friend that they can stop looking or if they've already got the dolls, I'll still pay... I am sure I can find an eager customer if I resell extras in Australia... anyway, I've sent you and email :)

    We don't even get the Rocawear brand in Australia... besides the perfumes I think... or they might be in a select few stores.

  5. I still haven't gotten a S.I.S yet. I was focused on the Tiana dolls. I've got to get back to Toys R Us a.s.a.p. I thought the original S.I.S that I saw briefly in the store were super cute so I just know the Rocawear ones are going to be great.

  6. Yes, when "real" people find out about the Rocawear dolls, I think they will fly off the shelves as possible last minute gifts. (Real people = non-doll collectors)


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