
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mall Fun

I found Olmec Toy's 1997 doll, Mall Fun Imani and two Menelik dolls when I retrieved another doll this evening that shared the same shelf.  After recently reading a Dolls of Color post about Mai, Kim, and Consuelo by Olmec, I wonder if the doll that accompanies Mall Fun Imani on the back of her box is Consuelo or could she be Mai or Kim

Unfortunately, the text does not identify the other doll.  Interestingly, my doll (Imani) is dressed in the outfit worn by the dark-haired, unidentified doll. 

I did a cursory search for "Olmec catalogue" and found a link to a PDF file about Yla Eason, the founder and president of Olmec Toys.  Readers interested in this now defunct company might find the information in the PDF file interesting. 



  1. I'm so loving the throwback, high-top fade haircut on Menelik. It's the hair and clothing (fashion) that truly dates a doll to a specific time period. These are classic 90's and will only become even more intriguing and valuable over time. What a time capsule. Love it!

  2. You're absolutely right, Hugs... a doll's outfit and hairstyle can date it. Glad you enjoyed the throwback. Check out Kente Cloth Imani here.

  3. Thanks, Debbie, for sharing this photo of Imani and Menelik.

    Naomi is a different doll from Imani. It would have been fun to see the other dolls produced.

  4. You're welcome, D7ana. Yes, Naomi was the name used for Olmec's first AA fashion doll. I believe some of the others were produced but in very limited quantities. I vaguely remember seeing the Hispanic fashion doll in Toys R Us in the 1990s.

  5. Hi Debbie! You might be recognize this collector's site because it's been around, but I forgot it until I found it again today. The collector's name is Michelle DeLee. She has some Imani photos and other Black fashion dolls here ...


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