
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Moments in Black Doll History - Finale

From a non-global perspective, Black history is American history.  While its observation in America begins on February 1 and ends at midnight on February 28 or 29 in leap years, it is a constant:  24/7/365 or 366.    Likewise, Black-doll history never ends... at least not for me.  It is impossible to cover all aspects of Black history in a month's time, particularly in the shortest month of the year.  This holds true for Black-doll history as well, which is why written documentation on black dolls and the people who create them remains important. 

Before concluding the Moments in Black Doll History series, knowing that so much information has not been shared, I wanted to extend several "hats off" to peope who play or have played an important role in black-doll history.

  • To doll artists and manufacturers who currently craft or mass produce black dolls -- keep doing what you are doing. You are creating Black-doll history -- hats off to you!
  • To doll museums and other places of exhibit where black dolls are showcased for the community -- hats off to you!
  • To those who share their dolls with the community in the aforementioned exhibits -- hats off to you!
  • To fellow collectors who share my passion for collecting dolls in general and to those who specifically, like me, are passionate about black dolls -- hats off to you (because I know you get it!).
  • To those who came before me in writing books devoted solely to black dolls and to those who have included information on black dolls in their works -- hats off to you (because fellow enthusiasts hunger for black-doll information almost as much as they desire black dolls).
  • To doll publications that include information about black dolls in their periodicals, and specifically to those who have published my articles (Doll-E-Gram, Doll Castle News, Dolls Magazine, Contemporary Doll Collector, UFDC Doll News, Doll Showcase Magazine) -- hats off to you.  Keep the articles coming! 
A special thanks to:
  • LaVerne E. Hall -- Former publisher of Doll-E-Gram, a publication designed chiefly to honor black-doll artists and their dolls 
  • Barbara Whiteman -- Founder and Executive Director of the Philadelphia Doll Museum and co-host of the International Doll Show and Sale (usually held during Memorial Day weekend in Philadelphia, PA)
  • Myla Perkins -- whose first black-doll reference book was the most comprehensive book on black dolls ever published, which opened my eyes to the wonderful world of vintage black-doll collecting
  • WLBD -- Thanks for sharing the passion with me online since January 12, 2001.
  • To all the Leo Mosses of the world past and present (grannies, mothers, males, females, children, self-taught or trained artists) -- anyone who has made black dolls, taught the art of black-dollmaking, or otherwise contributed to this art -- thank you! 
You have all been vital contributors to Black-doll history.  Hats off to you!

A Link You Might Enjoy:
Myla Perkins in 1975 (former educator, collector, author) sharing her dolls with school children



  1. Debbie,
    Thank you very much for this months blogs. The information you have is amazing. I enjoyed each and every post!! If it were not for you where could we find out so much about black dolls? I appreciate your doll blog, books and yahoo group. Your friend,
    Diana P

  2. Thank you, Diana P. If I can help just one person along the way, I've done my job. According to your post, I have.


  3. A hats off to you too Debbie! Thank you so much for your postings and your contributions to Black doll history and information! Diana P. is right if it weren't for you I wouldn't know so much about Black dolls!

    BTW I have David too!!


  4. Thanks, Debbie! I've enjoyed the playscale articles especially.

  5. Thanks, Debbie, for all of the knowledge I have gained this month. Being a senior citizen, it never ceases to amaze me how much new doll information I learn each day.


  6. Bonnie, D7ana, Ruth, et. al. Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed this month's moments in black doll history.

    Thanks for the hats off, Bonnie!



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