
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Adventurous Child's Play

It's a tradition in this household to photograph children when they open birthday and Christmas presents.  The tradition was carried out as usual on Christmas Day 2007.  Here my grandson is showing the photographer (me) the reproduced flocked hair AA GI Joe action figure he received.  I purchased two that year.  One for myself and one for him. 

This morning as I searched for physical therapy exercise instructions that I used a couple of years ago to help mend a torn rotator cuff, I found a stack of pictures that contained hard copies of the Christmas 2007 photos.  The thought immediately entered my mind that while my figure is still in mint condition, never removed from box, with Kung Fu grip and flocked hair intact, I'm sure my grandson's has probably either been discarded or otherwise abandoned.  I also recalled a call from my daughter only a day or two after Christmas 2007 informing me that, if touched, the figure's hair would shed and that "these must not be made for kids."  Of course I knew that Grandson's adventurous child's play would probably be too much for Adventure Team GI Joe with Kung Fu Grip to withstand, but I took the risk anyway. 


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