
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Too Cute Julian and Zahara - So In Style, Found! - Updated 06/18/10

So In Style Julian and Zahara

After attempting to purchase locally for several weeks, Julian and Zahara were ordered from  They arrived last week.  As of this writing, Zahara is still available there.  Unfortunately, Julian is no longer available.  The demand is high for this little tyke.  If you are unable to find Julian locally, order from after they replenish their stock.  If you are an registered user, link to through Ebates for the 3% cash back you will receive after placing your order.  If you are not an member, join to earn cash back on online purchases from several major online merchants. 

Good luck!


After Ms. Leo asked about size comparison between the SIS little sisters and Todd and Stacie, and my discovery that the little sisters are a full 1-1/2 inch* taller than Kelly-size dolls, I took the above picture.  Chandra and Zahara's box was slit on the side when I purchased it at a discount several months ago.  This allowed me to place Kelly in the box and align Kelly's feet with Zahara's for the comparison.  BTW, as I commented to Ms. Leo, Zahara has a very slim body compared to Kelly, and Todd and Stacie are 8 inches tall (much taller than the SIS little sisters).  *Yet another discovery:  Kelly (or whatever this loose doll's name is) is 4-1/2 inches tall (not the 4 inches she measured out due to her jointed knees being bent!).  I just realized that her knees are jointed when I removed her from C & Z's box!


  1. Thanks for the info! So tell me, how does the size of the dolls compare to Todd and Stacie. I think they are thinner but what about everything else?

    I think Zahara means Dawn.

  2. Ms. Leo - you're welcome! Todd and Stacie, I believe, are both 8 inches tall. The SIS little dolls are 5-1/2 inches tall and they do have slender bodies, much slimmer than the 4-inch Kelly dolls. I placed a loose Kelly inside Chandra and Zahara's box (the box is split on the side) and was amazed at the size difference between Zahara and Kelly. Thanks for asking.


  3. Hi,

    I just came across your blog. It's great! Stacie and Todd are 7 1/2". I think that the new dolls are more similar to the 6 1/4" Carla doll. If your able to do you think you can do a size comparison? Great site. I'll be back.

  4. Thanks, Lisa for commenting. I wish I could do a size comparison of all the little dolls mentioned here. Unfortunately mine are all still boxed. My only Todd is included in a wedding set with Barbie and Stacy. It's been years since I've seen them and I really do need to "remember" where they are stored. Bad doll mom, I know.



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