
Monday, February 21, 2011

BDHT: President's Day Installment 2

With the exception of the Abraham Lincoln image that is part of Temperance Freedom's display bench, three-dimensional dolls, bobble heads (that look nothing like President Barack Obama*), and paper dolls in his and his family members' image are the only presidential doll-related items in my collection.  I gathered the 3-D dolls and bobbleheads and took the above photograph to create today's President's Day Installment 2.

The paper doll images follow.

Happy President's Day.  Do you plan to stimulate the economy by participating in sales that retailers offer?

*BDHT:  President Barack Obama is the first African American president of these United States. 


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  1. Miracles do happen! I am ordering my President Obama figure 1st thing next month. I keep putting it off somehow thinking my financial situation will improve. I will take the leap of faith, again. Which doll is that in the jeans?

  2. Yes they do (miracles happen)!

    I purchased an extra AA/tan body on eBay, used the extra head from the Onlinedid Obama and a pair of that figure's extra hands (he came with two heads and three pairs of hands) to create the Obama figure in the jeans.


  3. Took me awhile to figure out what you were saying. The Obama figure came with 2 heads! Now I get it. When I was looking at the pics on their site, I was wondering if the mouth opened up. LOL! 2 heads didn't dawn on me. Are you happy with the sculpt? The one I was going to buy is an action figure, but he has such a mean look.

  4. Don't feel bad. I thought the same thing about the DID figure when I first saw the images. At the time I purchased the DID figure, I thought it was the best figure this size to capture the President's likeness even though the second head looks angry. But I liked it well enough to buy the extra body to piece another figure together using the extra parts. The jeans, shirt, socks, and shoes were purchased separately from Old Joe Infirmary. The "calmer" DID figure remains in the box.

    I have the TrueType one that you're interested in buying, too. It's the one that "Angry Obama" appears to be chastising in the image on this blog. The TrueType figure better captures the President's likeness. He's not angry, but his expression is stern.

    The head on the TrueType figure appears to be a little small for the body, but I still like it. I only paid $38 (I think) + shipping for it. I'm not sure how they are priced now, but if you need to know the merchant's name, let me know. I'll look it up.


  5. Hi Vanessa,

    If you search my blog for "TrueType Obama" (without a space between true and type), you can locate blogs I have written that feature that figure.


  6. When I saw it a couple months ago it was 44, but when I checked 2 days ago it was down to $38. It is sitting in my shopping cart waiting for some money. Aren't we all! Thanks for the additional info. I will proceed as planned and purchase the action figure.

  7. I like the scene of the two 12" Obamas.

  8. Hello,

    I'm enjoying your blog a great deal. I though I might draw your attention to Heroes in Action's line of Presidential and presidential monsters figures.

    They have produced two versions of President Obama (one was a San Diego Comiccon exclusive), and also recently released a fun vampire Obama called Barackula (alongside other Presidents/universal Monsters mashups... Such as Lincolnstein)


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