
Monday, June 13, 2011

Condoleezza Rice Action Figure: An Excerpt from The Doll Blogs...

... When Dolls Speak, I Listen, page 52 (copyright 2010-2011).

At the request of Vanessa of Fashion Dolls at Van's Doll Treasures, I am sharing the image and associated text "written by" the Condoleeza Rice action figure purchased from in 2008.  This was to be a birthday present for my BDFF (my best-doll-friend-forever), Debra.  However, the doll arrived too late.  After arriving, Condi wrote the following entry in my third book, The Doll Blogs:  When Dolls Speak, I Listen:

Friday, August 29, 2008

Debbie seems to be the type who always plans ahead. I am a celebrity or personality doll/action figure ordered to give Debra for her birthday due to the presumed late arrival of the Lorna Paris cloth doll Debbie had custom made for Debra. Well as misfortune would have it, both of us arrived late and I arrived even later than the Lorna Paris cloth doll. Because of my late arrival, Debbie decided to hold me here in Texas until December at which time I will be sent with Debra’s Christmas package.

She photographed me this morning with the backdrop of an American flag. The picture is most appropriate for me, the 66th United States Secretary of State and first African-American female to hold this prestigious political position during President George W. Bush’s second term after General Colin Powell resigned as the 65th United States Secretary of State. Before becoming Secretary of State, I served as National Security Advisor during President George W. Bush’s first term.

I was made by Vicale Corporation as part of their Hero Action Figures line. I am dressed in navy blue pant suit, powder blue blouse, faux pearl necklace, and molded-on black shoes. Debbie thinks my likeness was adequately captured. She doesn’t like my clunky black shoes, however.

Condoleezza Rice


The Condoleezza Rice action figure is one of a multitude of dolls allowed to "blog" their experiences in my third publication, The Doll Blogs:  When Dolls Speak, I Listen. The blog entries date from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2009.   One of the book's objectives was to encourage my appreciation for existing dolls by interacting with them and documenting the interaction.  Existing dolls, new arrivals, and those that were only here on a short-term basis (like Condi) did give a written account of our interaction.

In The Doll Blogs, each doll-collector exchange was recorded as a journal (blog) entry written in the voice of the doll.  The dolls used me as their facilitator.  During this process, the dolls unveiled their true "character."  Some were more animated than others, while others were more straight forward and to the point as they provided the details of our interaction, or described how and from where they arrived, or how long they have been in the collection.  A few dolls reported the length of time they had gone without attention and some even played antics and poked fun at me. 

Another objective of The Doll Blogs was to decrease doll spending through the enjoyment of existing dolls. The reader (who must possess a vivid imagination and overall love for dolls) will discover how well that worked out.



  1. Somehow, I don't think we will see a picute of "Condi" posing with this action figure. I really think it should have been a doll and not an action figure. More fitting with what she did. She was a talker and not a fighter. Plus, she liked shoes and clothes!

    I purchase a doll a few years back that I thought looked like Ms. Rice but the hair color was wrong. Hmm, I many have to get her out and try something with her. Thanks for the post!

  2. I don't think we'll ever see that image either, Ms. Leo. I purchased it (rather hesitantly) in 2008 because I thought the face looked like Ms. Rice and I thought my friend would agree.

    I'd love to see a picture of the doll you think looks like Ms. Rice.

    Herobuiders attempts to create action figures in the likeness of current political figures. Ms. Rice was a frequent headliner in 2008 when they created this figure. (Their most recent rush-to-market figure is of Rep. Anthony Weiner.)

    Thanks for your comment.


  3. Thanks for the post. I think the likeness is pretty decent from the neck up. You are so right about those shoes. If the shoes had been more ladylike, I think the overall image would have been improved.


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