
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hot Looks Dolls Were Paper Dolls, Too!

Hot Looks Paper Dolls, (A Golden Book), Western Publishing Company, Inc., 1988
Mattel's 1986 Hot Looks dolls: Chelsea, Zizi, Mimi, and Stacy were crafted as A Golden Book paper doll book by Western Publishing Company, Inc., in 1988.

Zizi and Chelsea
Zizi's punch out doll is on the back cover of the paper doll book.  Chelsea's is, too

Zizi's fashion page
 Zizi's and the other dolls' precut, vibrantly colored fashions with ruffled hemlines, screen-printed tops worn over leggings, animal and geometric-print fabrics, slouch socks, big hair and huge hair bows scream 1980s.  Think early Madonna. 


1 comment:

  1. HOT looks have a very iconic look from the 80's I wanted to know what they would look like if they were male dolls.


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