
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Model No. 02 — Collection Red | Barbie Collector

I am not impressed enough to place Barbie Basics Model No. 02 from Collection Red on my wish list.

Likes:  Her hair  texture (even though it is described as an Afro, when it is not).  The fashion is okay.

Dislike:  I am bored by the continuous use of the fused, ModelMuse body.  These dolls need to do something other than just stand there and pose. 

Read more, see more, here.



  1. Yeah! Thanks for this post. I didn't know this Target collection was coming out. She is definitely only list. She's beautiful! Love the outfit too. I like that she has a slightly older look to her. She will fit nicely in my stories.

    I am so with you on the MM bodies. I think once the 2.5 articulated Jean collection becomes available, they will use articulated bodies in future Basic collections. Of course, this makes sense, and Mattel rarely does things that make sense.

  2. I'm glad you like her, Vanessa. I look forward to seeing her featured in one of your stories!


  3. I have a weakness for curly hair, I confess. I'll have to eventually find another body for her, but yes, she's on my list.

    Thanks for letting me know about this second wave of Target Red Basics, Debbie!

  4. D7ana - you're welcome. There is also a brunette and a platinum blonde in this collection.


  5. I like the outfits on the other dolls too, I like the Platinum blonde, but she probably won't make the list. Who am I trying to fool. When I see that doll in Target, I will be justifying that purchase. I can already hear the conversation in my head. I love the new Basic pak too. That jacket and those shoes! The little Target bag will come in handy too. My dolls like to shop at Target. Can you tell I'm getting excited.

  6. If you ask me, this doll doesn't even look African American, she look more Latino! I just have to see her in person before I buy.

  7. EbonyNicole I think you may be right and I just got even more excited! I have been looking for a Latino type for the collection. I've been wanting to add a little Jennifer Lopez flair to the mix. You know I am all about the diversity.

  8. Vanessa - Yes, I can tell that you are pretty excited about the collection. I'm sure Mattel loves you for that. :-)

    I'm with EbonyNicole - I'll have to see Model 2 in person, but I know I already don't like the body and I'm not big on head swapping. I do still have a LIV doll whose body could be used as a donor for the head. We shall see.

    Model 02 might appeal to a multitude of ethnicities because of the tan complexion, hair color, and hair texture. She could even be biracial.


  9. Ya!I Agree!
    Model Muse Body Turned Out!
    Nobody Wants A Static Doll In Our Days!
    All Over The World Is "On" To Make Pics And Artistic Interventions Using Dolls.
    Children And Adults Wants More Than "Muse" Of Their Dolls.
    Mattel Just Need (As Always!)Dissued Of The Lateness About Creation Of The Dolls.Stop To Repeat And Repeat And Repeat Face Molds,And Transform The Doll's Body In Something Modern,Or Beterr Contemporary To Use The Right Word.And Stop To Make Mistakes About The Ethinic Respect By The Dolls Creation!
    Thank You,Again Debbie!!!

  10. Hi Jorge,

    It's either hit or miss with Mattel. The next line of Basic Barbies will have articulation. This gives us something to look forward to.


  11. I Love The Semi-Articulated Belly Button Body.
    It's Something That Mattel Could Use Again For The Dolls.
    I Don't Undersatand Why The Factory Don't Use It Anymore...
    By This Body We Have A Good Structure For The Body, And The Arms And Hands Can Move,Letting The Doll
    Able To Pose With Charm.
    My Favorite Doll Christie Had To Change For This Body.An I Have To Buy Another For Her Doublé.But It's Very Hard To Find...
    Let's See What's Waitting For Us By This New BASIC Serie...
    Thank You,Debbie!!

  12. You're welcome, Jorge! I think the next line of Basics will sell quickly because of the articulation. Which doll uses the belly button articulated body that you mentioned?


  13. Hi,Debbie!
    On My Blog You Will Have This History.
    On this three posts I tell about the necessity to make a re-body for my Favorite(and first doll.
    And the boby I found for her!!
    Visit It Please!!
    Thanks Debbie!!

    *Post About The Necessity To Find Another Body(Why I Had To Do It):

    *Post Showing The Body I found For The Doll:

    *Post That Shows The Transformation Of My Doll In A "Star"(Hauhauhauahau)After The Re-Body:


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