
Friday, June 10, 2011

Most Unlikely Doll Dresses

During the mid-to-late 1990s, I used to frequent a local thrift store, garage sales, and estate sales in search of vintage-to-modern dolls and doll accessories.  If necessary, I restored preloved doll finds and incorporated those into my collection.  If found dolls were not the kind I collected, but still collectible, I sold them on eBay to generate additional money to fund my hobby.  In the late 1990s through approximately 2005, eBay was definitely a seller's market.     

One thrift store find was a $2 bag filled with miscellaneous non-doll-related items.  In addition to other items, the bag contained two purple sequined majorette gauntlet gloves, similar to the ones in the first picture.  I knew one of these could be a perfect dress for a 1960s high-heel fashion doll that was in need of something different to wear.  I added a pair of my earrings and purchased a pair of gold high-heel shoes to complete her look.

24-inch 1950s high-heel fashion doll by Adanta Novelties Corporation wearing purple sequined majorette's gauntlet as a dress

The additional matching gauntlet came in handy after Darling Debbie arrived a few years later.  She too wears a pair of my earrings to complete her look. 

The gauntlets look tailor-made for the dolls.

If you have thrift stores in your area, you might consider browsing their doll/toy section and/or other departments for similar finds.  Check out estate sales, too, especially when dolls are advertised as a featured item. 
