
Monday, June 6, 2011

Rahel and Nora, One in the Same...

...or just similar?
Hearts For Hearts Rahel and Nora by Paola Reina

When I first discovered Hearts For Hearts Rahel some time last year, she reminded me of another doll, but I could not put my finger on it.  This morning as I sat down at my work desk and looked at one of the constant doll companions displayed on it, it hit me.  It's Nora by Paola Reina of Spain.  That's who Rahel looks like!

I retrieved an online image of Rahel and positioned Nora alongside the image for the above comparison picture.  Rahel is described as 14 inches.  Nora is 13 inches tall.  I am not sure if their face molds are identical or just similar.  What do you think?



  1. I think they are just similar, Nora's lips are a little fuller!

  2. I'm with Margaret. The lips are sculpted differently, not just painted differently. But they are definitely similar.


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