
Monday, June 20, 2011

Twists and 'Fro

My initial plan was to use the black twists wig purchased from Limbe Dolls on GI Joe Heavy Duty, a.k.a. Lamont A. Morris (inherited from my son, seen on the far left in this image).  However, since I have decided not to redress Lamont in civilian clothing, for now, the twists wig would not be appropriate for his current military status. 

After scanning the doll room for a playscale male wig candidate, I spotted Rocawear Darren and tried the twists wig on him.  He and I both love the look.
Rocawear Darren with new black twists wig by Limbe Dolls

In addition to acquiring the twists wig from Limbe Dolls, I received from her a short Afro wig and two pairs of sandals sized to fit Power Team figures.  The sandals also fit GI Joe and Ken, specifically Sunsational Malibu Ken, a.k.a. "Afro" Ken. (A mint version of "Afro" Ken is seen on the right in this image).

Played-with "Afro" Ken

I inherited the above played-with "Afro" Ken from my daughter, who inherited him from my niece. I'm not sure which of the two girls converted his original curly Afro into this wrapped-looking perm. To add to his "to'e up from the flo' up" appearance, poor Ken was also dressed in outdated clothing when I retrieved him from my daughter's remaining box of dolls and incorporated him (as is) into my collection some time ago.  He's been in the doll room ever since, looking quite pitiful. 

"Afro" Ken in Afro wigged and redressed. I also made a bracelet and necklace for him.  The Afro wig and tan sandals are courtesy of Limbe Dolls.

Close-up of "Afro" Ken

Ken looks so much better with his Afro back and new clothes.  The formerly worn off-white V-neck sweater, brown corduroy high-water cuffed pants, and white shoes were not working well for him, at all.

"Afro" Ken and Darren extend their heartfelt thanks to Limbe Dolls for her creativity and so do I!



  1. The gentlemen are working those wigs! I'd better get busy and make some more.

  2. Yes they are; and I think you had better!


  3. I am loving both new looks! Afro Ken is looking particularly cute in those sandals, new outfit and jewelry. Limbe dolls you rock! But I already told you that. By the way, have you put any wigs in your store yet?

  4. Hi Vanessa,

    The guys say, "Thanks!

    Limbe dolls certainly does rock!

    I think I may need wigs for the Barbies and Christies I inherited from my daughter. Their heads are a mess. I don't think I'll mind shaving their manes to accommodate wigs. I'm sure they will thank me for doing it, too.


  5. Their hair is not that bad. I was expecting a lot worse. But I am sure they would look wonderful in new wigs.

  6. The picture doesn't tell the true story and it was taken after "I" tried restyling their hair. The two on the far right have the worst hair of the bunch. With new wigs and up-to-date fashions, I'll free them from my Barbie case. Until then, they'll remain hidden. I only kept them because they were my daughters.


  7. Wow, they look GREAT! Some of my guys want some. My poor male Mattel guys feel that they could use a more distinct look.

    Congrats, BDE, on your wonderful new figures.

    Congrats, Limbe Dolls, on creating a HOT new product.

  8. Do you sell these afro wigs on Ebay or Etsy? Is there a place in which I could buy one? My little sister really wants one. :)

  9. Hi Anonymous,

    I do not make or sell these wigs. Please click here to view video tutorials produced by the person who does make them. She may also be contacted through her blog.



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