
Monday, December 26, 2011

Rocawear Darren

New So In Style Dolls
New So In Style Dolls by aurorakinta, on Flickr

I saw Rocawear Darren at Target today... scanned the box to check the price, and had a silent hissy fit in the store (by tossing him back on the shelf after scanning the box and seeing the $24.99 price).

Darren was the only one in this new line of overpriced dolls on the shelf.

For $24.99 I need articulated elbows, wrists, knees, ankles and any other joint that is supposed to move. I also need extra accessories. The only accessory I saw in the box before tossing it back on the shelf were his boots, which were not on his feet.

After carting some 50% off Christmas decorations, I went back to the toy aisle to snap a picture of Darren with my cell phone, but he was nowhere in sight. I guess someone else did not find him overpriced. Personally, I'll have to hold out for a sale.

What is Mattel thinking?



  1. That price is just ridiculous. I so agree with you, I need lots of movement and at least one accessory item to justify that crazy price. I'm trying to wrap my mind around the reasoning behind this. On one hand I'm thinking, is this a ploy so they can say..."We tried but as you can see, dolls of color don't sell." Then on the other hand they could be redlining AA dolls and charging crazy prices because they know we're limited on dolls of color and especially, somewhat affordable ones. It's more than unfair to our little girls and boys, it's just...ludicrous (in my Mike Tyson voice).

    Great post!

  2. I've posted a couple times before that I have been led to believe from someone on Flickr that the doll is miscoded at Target and that is not the right price. So, until it becomes available at another store, we really don't know if that is indeed the price. I am reserving my rant and rave until the price is confirmed. I would suggest if it turns out that this is the price, that we all ban together and write to Mattel about this madness.

  3. Oh yeah. That person who picked up Darren, probably didn't scan him before going up front. If they were like me, they had a mild heart attack when it rang up for that ridiculous price. He will probably be back on the shelf tomorrow.

  4. Vanessa - If Target's price is incorrect, Mattel needs to know NOW. How many people will have purchased the doll at the wrong price before the error is realized, if the price is incorrect?

    As for the person who purchased Darren today, they will probably keep it. I'm assuming that a child probably wanted it in exchange for something they received for Christmas they didn't want. It could also be the Rocawear label that facinated the purchaser.

    Without articulation, I'm not willing to pay $24.99 for the doll or the label. The first Rocawear dolls, priced less, have articulated elbows (the girls) and the first Darren has articulated elbows, waist, and knees. Still scratching my head about this one.


  5. They still have mot shown up in my area and I frequent two Targets and two Walmarts. I have only heard that Target has them. This has to be a mistake.

    @Tracy India - "ludicrous" in your Mike Tyson voice cracked me up!
    @Vanessa - I agree that we ban together and let Mattel know how we feel "if" this is determined to be correct. That price is ridiculous.

    1. they trot out the same bull$#!t line. ''black dolls dont sell'' i constantly tell people about Mattels black dolls people still dont know about the ones from the70s. Black dolls sell, but not if you dont advertise!! Have you seen Mattels new/old line of ethnic dolls? Dont worry no one else has either!!.I came across them by accident. I went back to buy it ,it was gone. I think the only reason it was at my store was caude someone returned it.The dolls are beautifull and the latr ones have better articulation.They were originally priced at$39.99 riddulous1!!!! Now I see people asking 3to4 xs thier original asking price {anywhere from $80.00to$300.00!!!) Matell knows that black dolls ethhnic dolls sale but thier like that ancient coot who whos part owne r of a professional football team, who h=asked his much younger MUCH YOUNGER wife shes like late 20s eqrly mid 30s he's87. 'Why do you have to tlk to the black ones?

  6. Pricing has gotten out of hand. I know that when I first saw the Monster High Dolls Sweet 16 series at Toys R Us it was about 27.00 and I thought that was high. Now I look and see that they are asking 32.99 for the doll. I believe it is Mattel setting the prices higher.

  7. You're probably right, Frannie. The dolls may be priced based on their popularity or perceived popularity.

    I'm holding off on buying.


  8. I just emailed Mattel about this obvious pricing error. If anyone else desires to voice their concerns, click here and then click the email link.

    Here's what I wrote:

    On a recent visit to a local Target store, I noticed the price of $24.99 for the new So In Style Barbie Rocawear Darren. I do not have the product number but other dolls in the new Rocawear series include Trichelle, Marisa, and Grace. These are basic dolls, on basic, non-articulated bodies, without additional accessories. Similar dolls, such as the So In Style Pastry dolls are usually priced $12.99. Why is the price inflated on the new Rocawear dolls? If this is a corporate error, it needs to be corrected so consumers of the already limited in number African American dolls are not required to pay twice as much. I hope you will check into this matter with haste and rectify what is obviously a pricing error. In the meantime, while I would love to add all four dolls to my adult collection, I refuse to pay the inflated price. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


  9. Thanks so much Debbie for finding that link. Below is the letter I sent.

    Recently on a trip to Target I was shocked to see that the new So In Style RocaWear dolls rang up for $24.99. There had to be a problem. I called the manager to have them check the price. They said it was correct. The initial So In Style Rocawear line dolls were articulated and priced at $12.99. The next line of So In Style dolls were not articulated and Mattel led us to believe they wanted to offer the doll at a reduced price of $7.97. That lasted for a very short time until the So In Style unarticulated Pastry dolls came out at $11.97. Now this new line that is just a doll without articulation or accessories is priced at $24.99. Please tell me this is a pricing error. I would hate to think that the young African American and now Hispanic girls, that this line was geared to, will be asked to pay double what the Caucausian counterparts (articulated Fashionista dolls) are asked to pay. This can not possibly be the case. If it is, please provide an explanation that all the parents will be able to understand when I bring this to their attention. Thank you for looking into this matter.

  10. I believe I encountered a different kind of manipulation at my local Target. About three weeks before Christmas, all Barbie products were on sale -- Buy one, get a second item of equal or lesser value for 50% off. There were no SIS dolls visible on the shelf. The next week when the sale was over, there was a whole section of SIS dolls priced over $20. The week after that they were all gone. This Target has a large African American clientele. They could sell SIS dolls every day of the week but don't order enough to keep them in stock on a regular basis. I believe the SIS dolls were selectively not placed on the shelf during the sale because they knew that African American parents would be frantic to buy them at any price as Christmas approached.

  11. Love it Vanessa (especially "when I bring this to their [parents'] attention").

    The squeaky wheel gets the oil. We need some oil Mattel!


  12. I saw the dolls in Target and spoke to the manager and called the corporate office about the prices on the So in Style dolls. They claim that it was not a mistake and that the price was set by corporate. I tried to explain to them the price should not be the same as the sister sets. I think they purposely put the price high.

  13. Limbe Dolls - I believe stores are guilty of product manipulation. I read an article regarding sales price discrepancy between the black and white versions of Baby Alive. The white doll was on sale but the same doll in black was not discounted at a Toys R Us store. This happens all the time. Consumers need to be aware and refuse to pay the higher price.

    Male Doll World -- So glad you confronted the Target store manager regarding the Rocawear price gouging. I hope you didn't purchase any.


  14. I told Target Ass.that the 24.99 price was usually for 2 dolls.

  15. If you are still looking for Darren-he can be found for $13 at Wal-Mart. At least the ones in Dallas, Texas (not all of them) have him in VERY few numbers.

    1. Thank you for letting me know that Darren is available at some Dallas Wal-Mart stores.

      I was able to find Darren at Target in January of this year after they lowered the price to $11.99. The price lowering was a direct result of a letter writing campaign to both Target and Mattel that ensued regarding their price gouging of $24.99 for these basic dolls.

      Thanks again for your comment. There may be others who are still looking for these dolls.



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