
Sunday, April 22, 2012

First a Hat, Now Shoes; She's Ready to Go!

After making Debbie's dome-style hat, we both decided she needed shoes for her bare feet.  I searched the doll room high and low but was unsuccessful in finding a pair of flats to match Debbie's purple and white dress made by Chynadoll Creations

As I was about to end my shoe search and call it a doll-playing day, I recalled viewing the Limbe Dolls shoe tutorials.  I reviewed these for a refresher course in playscale doll shoe making.

Since I did not have sticky-back foam on hand, I used regular foam in contrasting colors.  Double-sided tape was used to position the pieces of foam and ribbon followed by Aleene's Clear Gel Tacky Glue to permanently affix the pieces.  The end result is Debbie's purple and white, ribbon-toe sandals with ribbon ankle straps.  These are  a modification of a combination of the Limbe Dolls shoe tutorials.

Foam and ribbon ankle-strap sandals


Initially none of my dolls planned to attend Rod and Danielle's wedding in Morristown.  At the last minute, independent Debbie, who doesn't mind traveling solo, has decided to attend.  She wants to join the others who are traveling to Morristown and those who are already there to experience first hand the doll wedding of the year.   Her current thoughts are, "Even if I'm late for the ceremony, I'll get there in time for the reception."

With gift in hand, Debbie is Morristown bound!

Morristown, here she comes!


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  1. Cute shoes! I'm glad that Debbie will be able to make it to the wedding!

    1. Thanks, Roxanne. Debbie is happy that she made it to Morristown!


  2. I am ecstatic that she decided to come! We really needed a representative from Texas. She is sure to have a lot of fun with all the wonderful people attending. What you even made her shoes for the occasion? Impressive!

    1. LOL! Yeah, I made shoes, too. After Debbie was selected to wear the hat, I had to find shoes for her bare feet which is when it occurred to me that she was dressed well enough to attend Rod and Danielle's wedding. The rest, as they say is "her"story.


  3. Glad you were able to make use of the shoe-making tutorial. The hat and shoes make a lovely ensemble.

    1. Debbie and I are happy I made the impromptu decision to utilize your shoe tutorials, Paulette. They are quite helpful!



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