
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I Might Need a Head

I purchased this TTL T3.0C body based on color alone.  The initial plan was to use it for the second Michael Jordan head I purchased (one like Ms. Leo has). 

I never thought to check the neck construct until several days after purchasing this body in a free-shipping, buy-it-now auction from a Hong Kong seller.   Since I do not have a head to fit this body and because I do not want to incur return-to-Hong-Kong shipping expense,  I placed the body on eBay in hopes that someone else can use it.

Michael Jordan (doesn't really look like him to me; but I like the sculpt)

In the event the TTL T3.0C body does not sell, does anyone know of a head in dark brown skin tone, or around the same complexion as the Michael Jordan head shown above, that will fit this body? 

Thanks in advance!


(A body that will fit MJ is in transit).

Follow my Dolls for Sale blog


  1. I have the same problem but with a terrance Howard head. The body I have will fit mj so i have ordered it. I can't tell how dark mj is from the pic but maybe terrance will match. Although, he looks to be a lighter shade. I can let u know once I receive my mj head.

    1. Thanks, Veda. Yep, Terrence might work. I actually considered his head because I'd like for him to be taller. I didn't want to damage him or his original body in any way by removing the head so I ax'd that thought. His complexion is a little lighter than the dark brown body I have, but it probably would not matter with clothing. The dark brown will work for MJ.

      This morning I thought maybe a Ken or SIS Darren might work. This was just a thought; haven't tried anything yet.

      Thanks again!


  2. I don't know of one off hand. SIS Darren won't work. What about BB Model #17? I'm pretty sure his head will fit, but not sure how close the color match is. That MJ sculpt kind of grows on you. I was turned off to him before because he was not even close to MJ. Now that I have a good MJ, I may consider this guy as an extra.

    1. Hi Vanessa,

      Thanks for the Darren info and Modeal #17 suggestion.

      The body is too dark for Model #17. It's definitely a Hershey brown color whereas Model #17 is caramel.

      Yes, this particular MJ sculpt grew on me... even after I watched this Youtube video where a guy speaks of it unfavorably.

      I agree that it does not look like MJ, but it is a good-looking AA male, which is what I will consider it here.


  3. Debbie, just how handy is your husband? Perhaps he could modify this head so that it fits this body. I used Tariq's head on a body like this, but I know that you already have an articulated Tariq. You could use Triad Omega's head on this figure and use this MJ head on the Omega body (remove the neck). The Triad Omega head will not match the color of this body, but the head doesn't match his own body, either. Just throwing suggestions out there... :)

    1. Hi Roxanne,

      I actually thought about having him modify the body by cutting the neck off, but I haven't even run any possibility by my husband yet. He could probably figure out a way to fix it. He's very good with his hands -- did I tell you he built my doll room (an 18 x 20 feet space -- the largest room/when compared to the other three bedrooms -- in our house)? I think he likes a challenge and likes for me to play the role of a damsel in distress (although he doesn't realize most of the time I am really in distress.)

      Thank you for sharing the neck modification link and the head swapping possibilities. Hopefully the body will sell on eBay and all will be well that ends well since I have ordered another body that I know will fit MJ. But we shall see.

      Again, these are great suggestions!


  4. Hi,Debbie!!
    So interesting!! I just had for once an opportunity to buy an Action Figure doll here in São Paulo,Brasil.But I gave it to a small boy that seen on this doll something that I could do.But this guy is really interesting.I also feel afraid about the changing of head of dolls that I don't know well as the Barbie Dolls....Thanks for the invitation to this posting Debbie!!

    1. Hi Jorge,

      When heads like this are purchased, as long as you know the type action figure body to purchase, I t is actually a lot easier to connect the head with the body than rebodying dolls. Action figure bodies do lend far more possibilities for posing than articulated male dolls.



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