
Saturday, May 5, 2012

MJ #2 Gets Bodied and Suited

Michael Jordan head by Cian placed on TTL T2.0C body

The correct body for the Cian Michael Jordan head arrived yesterday (TTL T2.0C dark brown).  The head did not fit as far down on the socket of the body as I'd like.  So I dipped the neck of the head in a cup of boiled water for 30 seconds.  This process loosened the vinyl enough for me to force the head onto the socket for a proper fit.

Initial head-body improper fit

Head-body fit after dipping head in boiled water for 30 seconds

A wrinkled (possibly in travel) black men's (not for real people) suit ensemble, which includes, white shirt, neck tie, belt, socks, and shoes, arrived earlier this week.

Thank goodness the suit is in playscale because I do not like to iron.  Asking my husband to iron it for me got laughs and the comment, "I can't believe you're asking me to iron a doll's suit when I have suits that need ironing."  I realize my damsel in distress role does not work well for things he knows I can do myself, but this does not prevent me from exercising my motto of "it never hurts to ask."

I asked; he refused; so I ironed it myself. 

Next, due to difficulty in getting MJ's shoes on with his socks, I boiled more water and dipped the shoes in it for a few seconds to soften the vinyl. 

Donned in shirt, tie, pants, belt, socks, and shoes, he poses quite well. 

In the absence of a tie tack or clip to hold the two ends of his tie in place, double-sided tape is sandwiched between the two ends.

Michael Jordan by Cian poses with Head Play's Michael Jordan, who wants to know why this guy is attempting to impersonate him.

Fully dressed, MJ #2 looks quite handsome with his new body and suit, even if he doesn't really look like Michael Jordan.  Later on, he and the real Michael Jordan may swap outfits.   


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  1. He's a good looking man, Debbie! You're making me kinda want him. :)

    1. He really is, Roxanne.

      Well at least you know which body fits if you decide to take the plunge.


  2. He is looking really good! Im with Roxanne, I want him! Love his suit:)

  3. He looks quite dapper in his new suit! If I can find him for a bargain price, I will add him to the growing men of Morristown. Another really good tip for the action figures when assembling their bodies is the use of a hair dryer. Typically, I have to use heat for all my action figure guys. I like that shoe tip. Never thought to use heat on any of the shoes.

    1. Hi Vanessa,

      Thank you for the hair dryer tip. I have used a blow dryer once before on an Integrity doll (Remi to be exact) who arrived with his head detached from his body. The merchant suggested the use of a blow dryer to soften the neck, which worked beautifully. I had forgotten all about that.


  4. Mr. Jordan looks so fine in his suit he was well worth the extra trouble you had to take to get him ready. My, my!

    1. LOL@ limbe dolls -- he is a fine specimen of a man.


  5. Love The Tip Of The Boiled Water!!
    This bodies, are so full of resources for movement...Cool!!

    1. Glad you find the boiling water tip helpful, Jorge. The action figure bodies are highly poseable.



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