
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Van's Doll Treasures Featured in FDQ

Roderick, his ex-wife Melanie, and their 12-year-old daughter, Nicole, look comfy cozy on a sofa and chair made by Vanessa of Fashion Dolls at Van's Dolls Treasures.  -- Photograph* courtesy of  Vanessa Morrison

After "meeting" Vanessa of Fashion Dolls at Van's Doll Treasures, it did not take long for me to become thoroughly impressed by her creative dioramas using fashion dolls, handmade furniture, and often handmade accessories.  So impressed, I wanted to help share her creative genius with the doll-world at large. Writing an article for a major doll publication would be my way of doing this.  I proposed the idea to Vanessa, who readily accepted.  The culmination of our several weeks' work has resulted in the article, "Van's Treasures," which appears in the Autumn 2012 Americana issue of Fashion Doll Quarterly (FDQ).  This issue began shipping July 5, 2012, and I wait with bated breath to receive my hard copy!

FDQ is available by subscription, as a single copy for $10 + postage from authorized sellers, or as a digital download for $7.99 at their web site.

Stella's Treasures and Angelic Dreamz sell single copies of FDQ, but at the time of this writing, their sites have not been updated with a buy link for the Autumn 2012 issue.  As the magazines just shipped, these sites should be updated with buy links soon.  Barnes and Noble book stores should also have their copies soon.

Thank you, again, Vanessa!

I also extend a heartfelt thanks to Pat Henry, editor of FDQ for accepting the article without hesitation!

*Roderick (Rod) and estranged wife, Melanie, shown in the associated image, were having an uncomfortable discussion with daughter, Nicole.  Rod and new wife, Danielle, had just begun dating at the time the photograph was taken and used in Vanessa's post of May 5, 2011.  This photograph illustrates one of Vanessa's many fashion doll families used in her prolific doll stories.


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  1. I can't thank you enough for your hard work and perseverance! You were determined! I told the residents of Morristown this morning. Some were in tears. Most were cheering and chanting Debbie, Debbie, Debbie!

    1. Congrats Vanessa! You're amazing.

    2. This is so exciting Vanessa! On their survey thing, I complained that FDQ wasn't taking advantage of the great doll folks out there. This is a well deserved honor! Can't wait to get my copy!!

      Debbie, how awesome of you to make this happen! Congrats ladies!

    3. Vanessa - You are more than welcome. You and the Morristown inhabitants sparked the interest which made this a reality.

      Vita Plastica -- Thank you for completing the FDQ survey and sharing your honest opinion. We all enjoy seeing the types of dolls and things we do with them featured in print. Hopefully more publications will listen to our unmet needs.


    4. Tracy and Vita Plastica - Thanks!

  2. So cute !!! It is so hard to find a real looking couch - specially tall enough to fit the 12" dolls. Well done!!!

    1. Hi Virginia,

      Vanessa is a pro at crafting furniture and accessories in playscale. Do visit her Etsy store when you get a chance.


    2. Virginia - Thanks so much for your wonderful comments!

      Debbie, thanks for providing the link to my store.

  3. Congrats Vanessa! Thanks Debbie for promoting Vanessa and her

  4. Oh now I have to get that issue of FDQ at least ;-D

    Thanks DBG for initiating the FDQ article. It will be great to read about Vanessa's creations and her storytelling in FDQ.

    Thanks Vanessa for your diligent work and fascinating story telling.

    Big round of applause for you both. This is the best teamwork I have seen in some time. Go playscale fans, Go!

    1. Hi D7ana,

      It seems to be a hidden secret that our playscale people are not just models for fashions. They enjoy interacting with their "peers" and "families."

      Print coverage to document their interactions through the wonderful dioramas and videos that Vanessa and many others create is long overdue. Someone should write an eBook about doll dioramas and consider a Kindle format, although I am not too sure if Kindle is equipped for image-intense books. This is definitely something worth checking into. It could be a collaborative effort among playscale enthusiasts.


    2. D7ana - Thanks! It was great working with Debbie on this project. I was surprised and ecstatic when she approached me about the idea.

  5. Congratulations to Vanessa and thanks to you Debbie for pushing to showcase a unique and spectacular talent!

    1. limbe dolls - Thanks. It was nice seeing Debbie "in action". She was definitely determined to make it happen.

  6. Congratulations to Vanessa and what a sweetheart you are Debbie to write what I am sure is an extraordinary article. I'm proud of you both! Can't wait to get my copy.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks! Debbie really was a sweetheart to offer to write the article. I was elated when she asked.

  7. I think it's wonderful that you made the effort to spread the word about Vanessa's awesomeness, which makes you awesome too!

  8. Hello from Spain: I just discovered your blog thanks to Vanessa. I am also a follower of her creations. I like their family, their furniture and dolls. Congratulations to you for writing the story on Vanessa. I'm sure you wrote a great interview. I've seen your wonderful collection of dolls. I have also a blog devoted to Barbies where I do dioramas. I invite you to visit: If you're still in touch Blog to Blog

    1. Hi Marta!

      Thanks for the visit and for congratulating me on the FDQ article.

      I visited your lovely blog and enjoyed it. You have established a huge, active following.

      The English translation at the end of each blog post is very helpful. Thanks for sharing the link.




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