
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Coral Roses

What is the Meaning of Coral Roses?  This question was answered in an article:  ... coral or orange roses rival the red rose when it comes to sending messages of romance and passion.

Ah... I am not sure if that was the intended message behind the coral roses I received last week, but they were a pleasant, beautiful surprise.  I enriched my previously limited knowledge of the significance of their coral color here.

Omega and Emerald share in my enjoyment of the coral roses.

To keep this post doll-related, I placed my Djimon Gaston Hounsou look-a-like (Triad's AA Omega figure) and Emerald (Mixis) dolls on top of the shelf with the roses before capturing them in a digital image. 

At the home of a minister friend last week, Husband admired Minister's blooming floral garden, particularly his coral roses.  At Friend's insistence, Husband picked these for me.

Until all petals have fallen and the beauty of the coral roses fades, I will continue to enjoy my pleasant, thoughtful surprise. 


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  1. The roses are beautiful! Coral is one of my favorite colors to wear. It blends in very nice with my skin tone.

    That was very sweet of your husband to surprise you with them.

    1. Hi GG -- Coral is such a beautiful, cheery color. I understand why it would be one of your favorites to wear.

      He's a keeper.


  2. The flowers were a very much surprise and look quite beautiful. Thus is off topic but a few years ago I attended a black doll show and sale in Philadelphia. I remember it being around Memorial weekend. Do you know if that event still exists? I tried a Google search but found no info. for any upcoming event.

    1. Hi Saliyah,

      Unfortuantely, Barbara Whiteman will not be hosting the Philadelphia International Black Doll Sale this year. Hopefully the show will return again, but not this Memorial Day weekend.

      There was a recent article online about Barbara and her museum that might interest you. Here's the link.


    2. That is dissapointing, but thank you very much for the info. and the link to the article.

  3. Hello from Spain: roses are always beautiful flowers. I like the photo of the flowers in the vase with the couple. Keep in touch

    1. Thanks Marta! I had to add the dolls to keep the post doll related.


  4. Since your husband picked them especially for you I think the message was clear - hubba hubba.


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