
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Lullaby Lettie Educational Doll

Lullaby Lettie Education Doll photograph courtesy of Mr. Larry Robinson

Mr. Larry Robinson invited me to view his YouTube video of Lullaby Lettie Educational Doll. After viewing the video, I asked Mr. Robinson to share a photo of the doll and any additional information he would like people to know about Lullaby Lettie.  Mr. Robinson shared the above photograph and links found below. 

The following text is taken from the WordPress link, Mr. Robinson shared:

 Larry Robinson is blessed with a special gift. He has the ability to tune into a child’s way of thinking and understand what excites kids and makes them tick. Originally from a small town in South Carolina, he currently lives in Charlotte, NC. Several years ago he got an inspiration that moved him to create a new cartoon character, one that would resonate particularly with African-American children. He named her Lullaby Lettie. Robinson believed so strongly in his dream, he used his retirement savings to create the character. He formed a company – B.A.B. Inc. – that now produces a line of products, including children’s colouring and activity books, dolls, caps and ponytail holders, all bearing Lullaby Lettie’s cute, angelic face. She talks, sings, dances and even prays. Lullaby Lettie has also gone digital. She plays online games with kids and has her own Facebook and Myspace pages. She also stars on You Tube. All indications are she’s been wowing her little fans, and judging by the following video, it seems some of them can’t get enough of her.

From what I have seen and heard of Lettie, I think she's adorable, smart, and has lots of appealing character.  The little girls in the video seemed to love her.

Ordering information for Lullaby Lettie can be found here.  The doll is also available to order at 4KidsLikeMe.  More from the WordPress link that Mr. Robinson shared can be read here.
Visit and Like Lullaby Lettie's Facebook page here.

Thanks Mr. Robinson for sharing the information about Lullaby Lettie. 


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  1. Thanks for sharing the information about this doll, Debbie. I did not make it through the entire video, but the little girls at the beginning were adorable and they kept me smiling. I would consider buying this doll for my young nieces.

    1. Hi Roxanne,

      The little girls were cute and quite animated.

      The end of the video includes some of the things that Lettie says. If you have an opportunity to view it again, fast forward to the last couple of minutes or so to hear the one phrase in particular that Lettie says about her grandmother.


  2. Bonito video, gracias por compartir.


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