
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Closing "The List"

Screen snapshot of the final home page of the WeLoveBlackDolls Yahoo! Group (click or stretch to enlarge).

On January 12, 2001, after having been a member of other Yahoo! doll groups that did not adequately serve my needs, I founded/created the WeLoveBlackDolls Yahoo! Group (WLBD).   The group was founded in an effort to network with others who share my passion for black dolls of all types.  We congregated via the list to share tips on collecting, photos of our latest acquisitions, discussed our doll wants and desires, and ultimately became one huge cyberspace family of black-doll lovers. 

Last year I made the difficult decision to close the list on its anniversary date, today, which marks 13 full years of accomplishing the goal of networking with others who share my passion.  Long-lasting friendships have also resulted in the process. 

As a result of "the list," many members (most reside in different states) have developed strong friendships, met in person at doll conventions, gone on outings, a cruise, and several have been hosted, more than once, in the home of one member.  We became a family of women who not only shared our love for black dolls, we provided support and comfort when needed; we prayed together; celebrated births, and discussed current events in an atmosphere that was always pleasant. 

WLBD Club Dolls from 2004-2010

Beginning in 2004, we chose a doll annually as that year's WLBD club doll.  Our club dolls were either manufactured dolls or created especially for the group by commissioned doll artists such as Laura Tuzio-Ross, Lorna Miller-Sands, Diana E. Vining, Ping Lau, Berdine Creedy, Lorna Paris, and Helen Kish, who created our final club doll in honor of one of our members who passed away in February 2012. 

2013 WLBD Club Doll Jada Loves Dolls created in an ultra limited edition in honor of Ruth Manning.

So why did I make the difficult decision to close the list?  I have both personal and professional goals that need to be met by the end of 2014.  Because of this, my focus for the better part of the year must be on meeting these goals.  I will continue to write about the dolls I love here and for doll publications when contracted to do so, but most of my time needs to be focused on offline activities.

I will greatly miss congregating with members of the list to discuss dolls and the occasional off-topic subject, a pleasurable activity I could count on doing on a daily basis for the past 13 years.  The members of WLBD -- the list -- will forever, however, remain connected through the continued love for black dolls. 


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  1. I remember years ago when I didn't know any other doll collectors in person or online, and I found you while doing an internet search for black dolls. I asked to join WLBD, and was welcomed with open arms. Prior to joining your group, I had never even photographed my collection. The photos in my WLBD album (and on my blog) with the date stamp of 10/12/2008 were the first "deliberate" photos taken of my dolls, and they were taken because WLBD members asked for them. And my husband took those because I didn't even know how to use his digital camera. I remember you being so patient with me and giving me tips on making my photographs better.

    My Calista diary entries started on WLBD. I had only planned on writing that 1 entry - the first one, but I received such a positive reaction and so much encouragement that I wrote another one, and another one, and I haven't stopped. I started my blog because of the support and encouragement that I received on WLBD.

    I have been able to depend on my friends at WLBD for prayers and encouragement as I've faced health scares, losing my job, deaths in my family, etc. I have had a place to turn to when I needed to laugh, when I needed to vent, when I needed to be enabled. :) Six years ago, I never would've imagined that I would be part of a network of doll collectors, that I would have the knowledge that I have, that I would be using my creative talents in such a fulfilling way, or that I would have so many dolls! I can't even begin to express to you how grateful I am to you and to everyone at WLBD. It has truly been a blast.

    Debbie, I wish you the best as you strive to accomplish your goals for 2014. I have no doubt that you will excel in all of your endeavors!

    Thank you.

    1. Thank you, Roxanne, for your beautiful comment. I aplogize for not replying to it sooner, but my emotions would not allow it.

      I am so thankful for you and the other WLBD members who made it such a cohesive group of supportive women who shared the same passion, a love for dolls (in general) but in most cases a dedication and celebration of Black dolls.

      I never knew the influence the list had on your doll photography and your blog. I am so glad you found it because I have thoroughly enjoyed your photos, Calista's entries, and your other blog posts.

      Thank you again for your presence on the list and your continued presence in my life via Cyberspace.



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