
Friday, March 14, 2014

Liebster Blog Award Nominee

April, author of Of Dolls, has nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award.

I am to answer April's questions, nominate 11 other bloggers for the Liebster Blog Award, notify them of their nominations, and ask them the same set of questions or develop my own.  I added the above image on my own.  (A link to a website that explains the Liebster Blog Award is provided at the end of this post.)

My Questions From April
1. Which doll in your collection have you owned the longest?  My childhood Barbies are the oldest dolls in my collection.  

2. Do you have a specific style/type of doll that you enjoy collecting most?  I collect vintage-to-modern black dolls.  There is not one specific black-doll category that I enjoy the most, but the bulk of my current doll purchases are playscale dolls because of their smaller size and their ease of redressing, if that is desired.  I collect for historical purposes as well as for my own personal enjoyment (doll play).

3. If you could have any doll ever made, cost not an option, what would it be?  If cost were not an option, I would purchase a doll made by early nineteenth century doll maker, Leo Moss, who made dolls in the likeness of family and friends and on commission from members of his Macon, Georgia community.  To own an authentic doll that the hands of Leo Moss created would be the ultimate doll for me. 

4. What is your favorite doll or toy that you have ever had?  As a child, I owned Thumbelina by Ideal.  Based on my memory, she was my favorite childhood doll because she felt and looked like a real baby.  Her mechanical "wiggle like a baby" movement provided just enough realism for me to imagine that I was actually caring for a real baby.  

5. Your favorite TV show (doesn't have to be currently on)?  Admittedly, I am a Gladiator.  Weekly, I either watch Scandal live or a recording. 

6. What are your hobbies, outside of dolls?  I love to read and write.

7. Where would you love to visit for your next vacation?  My home is my favorite retreat, but leaving it temporarily for a 24/7 spa-like atmosphere where I am totally pampered from head to toe would be wonderful.

8. Do you speak any languages besides English?  No.

9. What is your favorite food?  Mexican.
10. Who would you want to play you in a movie about you?  Sanaa Lathan.
11. Who is your favorite author?  Because of her wisdom, my favorite author is Maya Angelou. 

My Nominees in Alphabetical Order Are:
 1. A Philly Collector of Playscale Dolls and Action Figures
 2. AtelierniSHASHA
 3. Chynadoll Creations
 4. ??????
 5. Fashion Dolls at Van's Doll Treasures
 6. Hey It's Muff
 7. Little Bitty Damn Houze!
 8. Male Doll World
 9. Roxanne's Dolls
10. Sipping From the Source
11. Son of Ellis

Questions for My Nominees
 1. What prompted you to begin blogging?
 2. When do you usually write your blogs?
 3.  What inspires or otherwise motivates you to publish a blog?
 4.  What is your favorite pastime?
 5. If your favorite pastime involves collecting dolls, answer this question and the next two (otherwise skip to question 8): What dolls do you collect?
 6.  How long have you been collecting and what prompted you to begin?
 7.  Are your dolls confined to one room or are they in more than one room in your home?
 8. If questions 5-7 do not apply to you, but you are a former collector, why do you no longer collect?
 9. What was the last movie you saw either in a theater or on DVD?
10. What was the last book you read?
11. If you could live anywhere other than your current location, where would it be?


For those interested, I found an explanation of the Liebster Blog Award and several variations of its rules here.

Thank you again, April, for nominating my blog.  Thank you in advance to the nominees for participating.


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Please visit and "Like" The Doll Blogs: When Dolls Speak I Listen


  1. Great answers. Your childhood Barbies are in great shape, did you play with them a lot?

    1. Hi April,

      I am glad you enjoyed my answers. now I need to notify my nominees.

      I actually did play with and redress my childhood dolls often. The play was gentle, however. We were taught to take care of our things because, "money doesn't grow on trees."

      The dolls in that photo were MIA for several years after my childhood doll play ended at age 13. When we reconnected, I was even amazed at how well preserved they were with original hairstyles and rubber bands (for the ponytail Barbie) still in place.


    2. Thanks for sharing your doll enthusiasm history with us. It is interesting to learn that Maya Angelou is your favorite author. That is new to me. I remember your mentioning Leo Moss dolls though - so it's like, yay, I knew that information. My home is my retreat, too. That's where the dollies be ;-)

    3. Thanks, D7ana. I actually enjoyed answering April's questions.

      Home is where my dollies "be" as well, but I have always been a homebody. It is my castle. Everything I need and want is here (except for more dolls), but the ones here satisfy me. I no longer fly, so that is the main reason I won't steer too far away from home. Other means of extended transportation are not an option either. I have everything I need right here (but I would love that spa treatment). Maybe I will treat myself or allow my daughter to treat me soon. She actually said she had thought about doing that for my birthday last year, but she didn't think I'd want to go.


    4. Hope you get that spa treatment, Debbie!

    5. Okay, I have my response post up, Debbie! Thanks again for the Award. Nice to read that you have a positive opinion of my blog.

      Many more years of happy blogging for us all, yay!

  2. Congratulations with the nomination! It's great to still have your old Barbie dolls, they do look very good. In the list of nominated blogs are a few I don't know yet, I'm looking forward to check them out :-).

    1. Thank you Nymphaea - Both you and April and anyone interested can read about my reunion with my childhood Barbies here.


  3. Thanks, Debbie!

    Thanks for that nomination! I am sooo excited. Wow, wow, wow! Can I nominate your blog in turn as one of my 11? Reading the rules ... I have more than 200 followers but certainly less than 3000. Do I still qualify? Hmmm ... back to the rules.

    Oh and thanks again.

    Hopping pleased, D7ana

    Gee, thanks!

    1. You are welcome, D7ana!

      No worries on your current amount of followers being more than 100. I have more than 200, too. The rules seem to change from nomination to nomination. No double nomination here, though, please. That would mean I would have to nominate more people or break the chain.

      Have fun selecting nominees, answering my questions, creating questions of your own or allowing your nominees to share 11 random things about themselves.


  4. Hello from Spain: congratulations on your award. I'm happy for you. I like to know you more for your answers. Keep in touch

  5. Thank you, Marta. I am glad the answers allowed you to get to know a little more about me.


  6. Awww... Thanks so much, Deb, for nominating my blog for the Liebster blog awards. So sweet of you to always keep on inspiring me to be better at this thing that is really close to my heart, despite not having enough time to further grow it. But I will, because you inspire me a lot :) Thanks again... I'm off to creating my post now....

    1. You are welcome Shasha! I just read your post and visited your nominee's sites. Thank you for following through so promptly with your nominations and answering the questions.

      I bent the rules and did not restrict my nominees to those who have 200 or less followers. Those with less than 200 will certainly benefit from being nominated, but I did not want to leave anyone out. Thanks again!


  7. Thanks for the nomination and the very nosy person inside of me enjoyed reading your answers! May I be equally inquisitive and ask if all your writings (#6) are doll related?

    1. You are welcome, Muff. I see that you have received another Liebster Blog Award nomination. What an honor.

      Yes, you may be equally inquisitive and inquire whether all my writings are doll related. No, not all are doll related, but most have been. I live by the principle of "writing about what you know" or what you are passionate about.

      I have kept a diary and/or journal off and on for as long as I can remember. As a young girl, I had pen pals, one lived in Norway; one was a Vietnam soldier whose address appeared in our school newspaper with a request to write him. So I did. We communicated for about a year and then his return letters ceased. I think about him often and wonder if he "made it out." I actually just googled his name last night.

      Pre-Internet, I have written for others at their request -- letters to manufacturers regarding failed products with a goal of achieving a quick resolution that the consumer otherwise was not able to achieve on their own. I have written initial and updates of resumés for others (again pre-Internet before most companies required online job application and resumé submission); letters to editors (that were published) to compliment or rant about an article I read, and business proposals for others are just a few examples of non-doll-related writings. Both my children and others have “run things by me” with a question, “How does this sound?” I am no authority on writing, but I love the written word and I am a stickler for correct spelling and grammatically correct statements.

      Short answer: When writing with intent to publish or be published, I usually stay within my lane of knowledge.


  8. Congratulations Debbie!!! It is well deserved!

  9. Hola, me gusto leer tus respuestas, felicidades, que curioso que te guste la comida mexicana, muchos consideran que nos gusta sufrir pues hay salsas muy picosas, hasta pronto.

  10. Congratulations on your well-deserved nomination Debbie! I enjoyed reading the answers to your questions, and the answers to subsequent questions asked here. Thank you so much for nominating my blog!

  11. GG - Thank you for the congrats!

    Lindaivette - I am glad you enjoyed my answers. Yes, I love certain Mexican dishes. I don't get an opportunity to eat Mexican food often, but when I do, I enjoy myself!

    Roxanne -- It is good to see you posting. I am glad you enjoyed my answers, too. You are welcome; your blog deserves recognition.


  12. Replies
    1. Glad you finally saw it here. I hope I didn't forget to post a comment on your blog to notify you.



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