
Friday, August 29, 2014

Lost and Found Arms

The armless Patsy Joan
When I gathered all my Black Patsys to photograph for the Buttercup Trixie and Predecessors post, I discovered Patsy Joan had lost her arms... somewhere!  There she stood, armless high upon the top row of a wall shelf with other similar-size dolls alongside and behind her.  Oh where, oh where are your arms, girl?  (I wondered.)

I felt around on the shelf for the arms, but they were not there!  Since standing dolls cover the floor beneath, in front of, and on the right and left sides of that shelf, I moved several standers and found one arm.  Relieved, I moved some of the standers and continued to look in the general area where I felt the other arm might have fallen; and there it was, a little farther back than where the other arm had landed onto the carpeted floor.

From the desk drawer I retrieved some sewing elastic since I could not readily find the rubber string that "we" usually use for restringing.  I undressed Patsy Joan and took the doll, the arms, and elastic to Doc Garrett, who shook his head as he inhaled and exhaled a brief sigh after accepting the new patient.   Without saying a word, I just smiled at him.  He knew what needed to be done.

I returned to the doll room and continued photographing the other Patsys.  Before I had them all photographed, the doctor brought Patsy Joan and the remaining elastic to the doll room.  With the repair completed, he said, "I'm going to have to start charging you 50 cents or something."  I chuckled but agreed with his next statement:  "You'd have to pay a lot more if you had to send the dolls off for repairs."

Although I concur, I have not yet paid him his 50-cent fee. 

Patsy Joan with restrung arms



  1. Thank goodness the doctor was in. I would of flipped out if my dolls were missing their arms. Patsy Jones is just to pretty to be without her arms.

    1. I am glad the doctor had an available appointment, too, Brini. It is a scary sight to see your doll standing armless with the arms no where in sight!


  2. Patsy Joan looks dismayed in her armless state -- and much happier with arms restored!

    A few weeks back, my mother was doing something with her dolls and discovered that one's arms were just floating in its sleeves. Elastic restoration was performed and the patient made a full recovery.

    1. Poor Patsy Joan was in a pitiful state. There is no telling how long she stood there, wanting my attention before I finally discovered and resolved her issue.

      I am so glad to hear that your mom's doll made a speedy recovery after her limb detachment.


  3. It's always good to have a "Doctor" in the family!

    1. Absolutely Lee J. Hope you and your family and newest addition are all well.


  4. LOL, I know it sounds creepy, but it's like the arms crawled away or something. You would expect them to be right next to the doll. Maybe your house is settling and made them move.

  5. Poor Patsy. She could probably use a hug now. She's such a cutie in that red and white outfit.

    1. LOL! With her two arms she might just hug me back!



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