
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Walmart Exclusive Quick Fix

A quick visit to Walmart for three things led me to the doll aisles where I found the above Only at Walmart Barbie fashion.  It includes a halter dress, pink hooded jacket, pink handbag and matching high-heels.  What looks like a shopping bag is part of the card graphics.

There were other Walmart-exclusive Barbie fashions (see two more here), but this is the only one I purchased.  It was $5, supposedly reduced from $6.97. 

The sherbert-like colors of this particular fashion appealed to me.  The color combination also reminds me of some of my late brother's artwork, which was usually done in pastels. 

Swappin' Styles Artsy models the fashion without the jacket.

Swappin' Styles Artsy, who had been wearing a love-themed two-piece fashion for several months, was chosen at random to wear the new fashion.

With jacket on, Artsy poses with a some of my brother's artwork.

I think Artsy (in name alone) was the perfect doll for this fashion. 


Happy birthday, Ronald!  I love and miss you.



  1. Que bonitos recuerdos de tu hermano.
    Bonitas compras.

    1. Gracias Lindaivette. El traje tiene colores muy alegres.

      Tengo la suerte de tener tantos buenos recuerdos de mi hermano, junto con algunas de las cosas que dejó atrás como recordatorios de la vibrante vida colorida, y desinhibida que dirigió. Él era un imán de personas debido a su personalidad extrovertida y su capacidad para hacer reír, incluso en situaciones graves. Puse en una de sus tapas la semana pasada, pero antes que yo olí el interior de la misma para ver si podía conseguir su olor. Siempre olía tan bien. El olor, por desgracia, con el tiempo se ha desvanecido. Los buenos recuerdos de él nunca lo hará, sin embargo.

      Gracias por sus comentarios.

  2. This is a cute fashion, and your brother's artwork is beautiful. Do you have a lot of his work, and do you display it all? Did you see any of the Sparkle Girlz fashions at Walmart?

    1. Hi Roxanne,

      You're making me want to go to Wal-Mart. I think I am going to have to disturb my husband from his peaceful documentary watching and have him tag along with me to hunt for the Sparkle Girlz outfits. I need salmon to go with the dinner I plan to cook, which will be my excuse for going. If the outfits were there where I purchased this Barbie outfit, I overlooked them because I never stop to look at those over-sized head Sparkle Girlz dolls and accessories.

      I do have several unframed pieces of my brother's artwork that fill a Rubbermaid storage bin. It all dates back to the 1970s through 1990s. Some of the college and university yearbooks that contain his layouts when he worked for Taylor Publishing Company are in the storage bin along with other memorabilia. He was one of the first AA layout artists for the Dallas Morning News during the 1970s. An article about that is in there. I only have the three pieces in the hallway hanging and the two identical pieces that hang in my bedroom. One is signed and dated 2004. The other is unsigned. I don't know why he did not sign it and why he made a copy of it. I found those two pieces in a portfolio behind his bedroom door when we were cleaning out his things. Maybe he was going to send one to someone. I thought about sending the duplicate to my sister, before ultimately hanging them side by side. My mother has several framed pieces of his art in her storage closet and I think she has some hanging in her guest bedroom. I had planned to do an exhibit at the AA museum of his artwork, but never got around to it. Maybe one day I will still do this.

      Shortly after he died, I created three identical books about my brother on Shutterfly using images of his artwork and other important relics -- like his kindergarten certificate, images of him with his first car, the various wild sunglasses he used to wear, photos of him painting murals on exterior walls of a couple of local businesses, and other images of him, his artwork, and the things he left behind. I gave a copy to my sister and one to my mother.

      Thanks for reminding me about those outfits. Now let me see if I can get that couch potato up.


    2. Debbie, I always get hopeful when you find things that I'm looking for in the stores there, because a lot of times that means that I will see them in the stores here eventually. :)

      Thank you for sharing the information about your brother. I found it so interesting that he was one of the first AA layout artists for the Dallas Morning News. It was a nice tribute to post photos of your doll with his artwork here, so that your readers could appreciate his work along with you on his birthday. I hope that you're able to do an exhibit of his artwork at the AA museum one day.

    3. Roxanne,

      I didn't get a chance to go to Walmart Sunday. The plan is to go tomorrow. I will let you know if the Sparkle Girlz fashions are here.

      I am glad you enjoyed the additional info about my brother.


  3. I saw these when I was at Walmart, but I was in a Sparkle haze and chose the cheaper stuff over these exclusives. I'm too broke to get them now, lol.

    1. Your purchase choices are completely understandable, Muff!


  4. The outfit is cute and your brother art is very nice! That's very sweet that you display his art. Memories always live in the heart when it involves something dear to you. : )

    1. Thanks, GG. I just wish I had requested that he do something for me personally other than a denim jacket that he painted for me back in the day when clothing art was fashionable. I still have that.



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