
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Heads Up on Those Nude Dasias!

IMPORTANT:  If you purchased one of the nude Big Beautiful Dasia dolls that I posted about here, be careful in choosing the color and type fabric used for your clothing selection for your doll. The doll's vinyl is extremely porous and will absorb dyes used in some fabrics. 

Last week I replaced my doll's original red shrug (made from the same material as her dress) with a shrug made from a black synthetic headband.  I noticed some black areas on her arm this morning, so I removed the shrug.  Almost everywhere the shrug touched her arms and back is now stained black.  I didn't take a photo of the stains before I applied 10% benzoyl peroxide to these areas.  I did take the following photo after the acne cream was applied before taking her outside to sun bathe.  Hopefully within a day or two the stains will fade.  The sun helps speed up the process.

My Dasia-turned-Maya has had a heavy application of 10% benzoyl peroxide applied to her stains.  The black headband underneath her caused the staining.
The red cotton crew sock dress did not stain her.  I saw a few dark areas on her feet from the black paint used for the elastic of her shoes that I made, but very minor.  The combination of synthetic materials and black dye used for the headband caused the majority of the staining.

Be careful!



  1. Thanks for the information Debbie! I mentioned in my Dasia post that my older Dasia is stained. I've never used the acne cream treatment, and I will have to do that for her one of these days.

    1. You're welcome, Roxanne. I had to bring my Dasia/Maya in. She was left outside for about an hour. When I checked on her the benzoyl peroxide had melted! It will still work in the inside, it just takes longer. Good luck with yours.


  2. Thanks for the info Debbie! I have chosen fabric and plan to make a dress or two this weekend. I will choose light colored fabric.

  3. I haven't purchased one as of yet so this is good to know. I hope others are aware so they can prevent this from damaging their doll.

    1. I hope others are aware (now) too, if not already. Making them aware was the purpose of this blog. The stains are quite stubborn on my doll. I removed the benzoyl peroxide yesterday to prevent the doll's skin tone from fading. Most of the black faded, but not all. Her clothes will just have to conceal the stains.



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