
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Ken Clone -- Who Am I?

Unknown Ken clone

The clone collector in me wanted this guy when I saw him in a buy it now on eBay.  I kept hope alive that he would not be a plastic dollar store-type doll.  I am relieved because he is not.

Height:  12 inches tall
Hair:  Black molded, side swept 
Eyes:  Unevenly painted brown
Mouth:  Open smile with painted area for teeth  
Material/Pose-ability:  The head is firm vinyl.  The arms and body are rigid plastic.  The legs are a soft, rubbery vinyl with knees that do not click.  He has an articulated waist and is jointed in the standard areas:  neck, arms at shoulders, upper legs at hip.

He has molded-on briefs.

I attempted to capture images of  his barely visible neck marking, which appears to read Fair---ator ? (maybe):

Here's a close-up of his face:
Unknown Ken clone, close-up view

Another close-up:
Handsome guy, right?

Can you help me with his identity, please?  Thanks!

Update: I was informed that this guy is the AA male in the 3-figure set by Jakks Pacific, originally dressed as a scuba diver in their 1999 Camp Set.



  1. I don't recognize him. He might be a catalog doll (clone produced by one of the mail order catalog vendors).

    I'll look around - shame he has scanty markings. Good luck!

    1. Aw man, I was sure you would know who this guy is, D7ana. Thanks for looking around.


  2. Yeah, I thought he might be a dollar store type too. I think D7ana is right! A Hawaiian Ken knock off.

    1. Hawaiian Ken? Interesting take, Ms. Leo.

      Non-traditional AA hairstyles have been used on black dolls by companies who didn't want to take the extra steps to change the hair for the black versions of white dolls, as in the case of the Sergio Valente doll I own.


  3. Here is picture of Hawaiian Ken I have one that I use as a Native American.

    1. I was just informed on Facebook that he is a clone of the New Super Star Ken head sculpt (which is the same head sculpt used for Hawaiian Ken).

      Thanks, Ms. Leo!

      I sure wish I could read all of the writing on the back of his head.


  4. Oh. I thought he was Desi Arnaz, Jr., or at least that's who he reminds me of.

    1. President Kennedy is who I saw when he arrived (based on the hairstyle, I guess), but he does have that Ricky Ricardo/Desi Arnaz look.


  5. I' glad that you got an answer. I would not have been able to help with this mystery. He is a good looking doll.

    1. So am I, Roxanne. It would be nice to also know who actually made him, but I think that might remain a mystery. He's still standing nude on my desk in need of dressing, which I will do soon.


  6. Hi! (I'm a huge fan of yours) He is very handsome, you are so lucky! I hope to get him some day. I'm pretty sure he is one of the guys from the Toy O Rama 1999 Camp Set (with Jakks Pacific?) It is pretty hard to find a photo of it. I found an expired ebay listing that had it. There are a few pictures of the box, gear, & guys that come with it.

    1. Ms. Q

      Thank you so much for helping me with this Ken clone's ID. I really appreciate your time. I will update my records.

      Thanks also for being a fan.


  7. You own a clone figurines vintage Fairland Toy 12, we used the Ken Dance Magic head mold from 1989 to make it, this clone is extremely rare and I have one too and he is bearded.


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