
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Praises for the Dresses He Made

Simplicity A1149, a pattern to make two sun dresses for 18-inch dolls

While in the sewing department of Walmart, I browsed the pattern section for doll clothes patterns and found Simplicity pattern A1149 for 18-inch dolls. Because I do not sew and the person I was with can, I asked if he could make one of the dresses shown.  His answer implied it would be a piece of cake to do. I'm always prepared to challenge him, so I took him on. I selected fabric and found the necessary trimmings required to complete the dress with the heart-shaped pocket and head scarf (dress B).

I took photos of some of the steps that led to completion of not one but both dresses.  (After the first dress was cut out and he discovered there was enough fabric to make the second,  he offered to make it.  Of course I agreed.)

The fabric chosen:  cotton blend yellow with tiny white circular print for the dress and white/gray/yellow chevron print for the bloomers, scarf, and pocket of dress B (shown on the left of the pattern.  The chevron print was not used for dress A).

Dresses A and B have been cut out in the above photos.

In about two days, both dresses, minus the snaps, were completed.  Yes!  He did that!
With his portion completed, I sewed the snaps onto both while my little helper looked on.
While in the store shopping for trimmings, I agreed to sew on the snaps after he said, "You'll have to do that.  My hands are too big."  Not a problem, I thought.  My little helper, Travel Doll Janet, watched as I sewed the snaps onto the first dress from the comfort of my bed.  I will admit it took me two days to sew the snaps on both.  It was the end of the day and I was tired when I began the first one.  I completed the snap task on the second dress the following day.  This was the only thing I did. Sewing is just not something I enjoy doing.

These are the two dolls chosen to wear the dresses, 18-inch dolls by Madame Alexander, Patience and Passion.

Patience chose to wear the scarf as a headband.  I think they both look adorable.

After I told him I had dressed the girls, he asked:  Did they [the dresses] fit?  I replied, "Yes, did you think they wouldn't?"  All confident in his ability to do anything, particularly if I challenge him to do it, he said, "No, just trying to check to see if you know what you're talking about because I know what I'm doing."  He examined the dolls wearing the dresses and sang his own praises.  

Why am I referring to the person who made these dresses as "he/him?"  Because he asked me not to tell my friends he made them and technically, I have not done that.

Later on, but prior to my writing this post, he asked if I told anyone.  I said, "No, but I am."  He didn't voice any opposition which gave me the cue to proceed with this post because I am impressed with the end result and I sang his praises, too.

Check out my eBay listings here.


  1. Hi Debbie! He did a great job. Those dresses are perfect. I love how sunny the fabrics you chose are. And your two dolls, Patience and Passion, look good wearing them. Praise him fro me!
    Keep having fun with your dolls and thank you for keeping visiting my blog. It means a lot to me.

    1. Thank you, Arlette! I will share your praises.

      I enjoy your blog. You have a variety of dolls that I enjoy seeing and learning about.


  2. He did a wonderful job! The dresses are perfect for the summer. Back in the day, when I hated sewing snaps, I used to get my mom to do that part. Lol! Now I actually don't mind doing it. If you ever see him again (ha, ha) give him a pat on the back for me.

    1. If I ever see him again, Vanessa (ha, ha), I certainly will give him a pat on his back. "His" daughter gave him a sewing machine for Christmas and other than tailoring his own pants and "his" son's, this is the first time he has actually sewn a complete anything. I remain impressed.


  3. Those turned out well! Your anonymous friend does nice work!

  4. The dresses are adorable! The dolls havw such sweet faces.

  5. Fresh and fly! They look the epitome of a sunshiny day.


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