
Friday, April 2, 2010

Show and Tell - Leanne's Beautiful Collection

Antique and vintage black dolls

This is the first Show and Tell blog about beautiful dolls owned and/or made by others.  I plan to share a series of these as the spirit moves me.

After "meeting" her in September of 2009 by way of cyberspace and as a result of our shared passion for black dolls, Leanne S. of Australia, readily shared photos of some of the dolls in her collection.  I was amazed at her  huge collection of mostly antique and vintage black dolls with a few modern dolls interspersed.

When asked, Leanne readily agreed to allow me to share images of her dolls here.

Baby Clap Hands by Horsman, circa 1970s, an Irene Szor design; claps and recites Pat-a-Cake poem

Antique and vintage black dolls

Norah Wellings, rare, 36-inch doll

Leanne also shared the reason she developed such fondness for black dolls.

I was always a very spoilt child, my grandmother (on my father's side)
bought me beautiful (white) dolls, walking dolls, baby dolls etc

and my other grandmother was a dressmaker, so she made me

great doll clothes! I have been collecting black dolls for 20 years.

I don't really know why I started collecting only black dolls, probably

because I never had a black doll as a child!!

I used to run a retro clothing stall in our local market and was always

op-shopping, garage saling etc... so every little black face came home with

me!! And of course once I got the ebay bug my collection took off.

These days I only ebay, finding black dolls anywhere else now is a rare thing.

And of course with over 1000 dolls in my collection, I am only looking for particular

dolls these days.  And making computer friends (like yourself Debbie!!) has increased

my collection, with black doll collectors selling their collections to me.


Johnna oilskin art doll

View additional images of Leeanne's beautiful doll collection here.

Thank you again Leanne for sharing and for allowing me to share your dolls here.



  1. Oh Debbie that was wonderful to read about Leeanne's incredible collection and we've become good friends via the net as she too bought a couple of my dolls..... it's amazing how the "web"just gets bigger and bigger as we meet each other.. 2 of my grown up kids are up Leeanne's way so I'm keen to go and meet her personally when I get up there. Hope you are well and Happy Easter. Cheers Wendy

  2. Hi Wendy!

    I hope you're able to meet Leanne in person very soon. As I wrote this blog about her lovely dolls I thought, "I want to go to her house to play."

    Happy Easter to you and your family.



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