
Monday, April 5, 2010

Staying Power or Not

After seeing the prototype photo of Integrity's Darius Reid, I did not see a "specimen of masculinity," as he is described.  His implied swagger was also absent, and I did not think a sway of his hips would make me swoon.

After seeing Romona J's photos of Darius, I'm still not swooning, but I immediately shifted from lukewarm in my opinion of Mr. Reid to "like a whole lot" mode. 

Check him out!
According to Barbie Basics Model 004, Darius Reid indeed has staying power...

...and enough swagger to make her swoon.

Photographs courtesy of Romona J.



  1. Like most men, he need a good woman to make him live up to his potential!

  2. haha, that's funny Ms. Leo, I like that.
    He could use a darker lip color as well. I'm loving his brows. I give him a 9 out of 10.

  3. How right you are Ms. Leo. Debbie you are a tough crowd! My girls were swooning over him since he arrived. I think it is his height. They are excited about being able to wear their stilettos now!

  4. Hi Vanessa,

    I can only imagine the disappointment my girls are still experiencing for my lack of allowing Darius to enter the collection and join them. Hindsight for me is 20/20. If I ever find a good deal on him, they can rest assured he'll be here.



  5. I thought I was going to make your girls very happy, but maybe not. I just got my Darius a little over a month ago from Susan's Dolls. They had him listed for I think $107, but when I added him to my cart he came up for $89. I was a happy camper. I just checked her site. She still has him, for a good price, but not as good as I got. Here's the link. Who knows what will come up when he is added to a cart. Probably worth a try.

    By the way, I just did another Darius blog post.

  6. Thanks again, Vanessa. I visited Susan's, but Darius is actually sold out. After attempting to place one in my cart, the next screen indicated my cart was empty. One with my girls' names on it will show up in due time.

    I just read your new blog about him and posted a comment. Thanks again!



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