
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

After the Comparison...

...all playscale males, Desiree and Reese (incorrectly referred to as Dayle in yesterday's blog) were returned to their respective areas of display (with the exception of Son's  ©1992 GI Joes). 

Reese and Desiree sit on the side of a two-drawer storage bin (far right)
as Darren stands in the middle.

DID's Obama stands on HSM Chad's box along with Bo (the dog) and Ty's Li'l Ones
Sweet Sydney and Marvelous Mariah.

WPK (Worldpeacekeeper) continues to keep Rosa company.

Tyr enjoys the company of the two Opals.

Omega (my deep-dark chocolate... I mean) Emerald's companion returns
to his position of display above Tyr and the two Opals.

Adventure Team GI Joe (not pictured here) is back in his box on a shelf with other boxed Joes and Janes.

My son's ©1992 GI Joes remain in the "studio." 

I have not decided if I should incorporate Son's Joes into my collection or if I should return them to the toy bin with the rest of his remaining childhood toys.

I wonder what the inanimate ladies think.  What do you think... bin them or fully dress and display them? 



  1. You have a lot of dolls and they are all too cute!

  2. How old is your son? Does he care about them? Are there other 12" dolls in the bin? If your son doesn't care, I say dress them and display them among friends. But remember, they are not your dolls, even if they are displayed with your dolls.

  3. Hi Vanessa,

    My baby will be 27 this month. I'm not sure if he cares about the GI Joes or not... probably not since they are still here. I think those two are the only 12-inch or almost 12-inchers in the bin.

    Say what? Not my dolls? I tell you this one thing for sure: If I incoporate them into my collection, buying clothing for them first, they WILL BE MINE.

    About three years ago I claimed ownership of my 33 y/o daughter's dolls that were under her former bed in boxes. After making them presentable, they are proudly displayed in my doll room.

    So I cannot make any differences between the childrens' former playthings. If I take ownership over one's belongings, I must do the same with the other's. It's only fair.



  4. Put those dolls back in the bin. Just like Melanie, 'you trippin',

  5. LOL! I'll ask Son if I can have them.


  6. That's better. And go apologize to your daughter.

  7. LOL - She did not want those dolls... trust me, if she had I would have never heard the last of it after I took ownership.

    The plan was to donate them to the Salvation Army with her blessings, but I backed out... too much sentimental value.

    Now that Son of mine... he'll probably ask, "What????" When I ask if I can have his Joes.


  8. My Joes are still sputtering about this post. How can she do other than to KEEP them. (The square-headed one, is one I have, too. Lamont, and he's been very vocal on this issue.) I apologize for their previous outburst - think I did - and under my supervision, here's Lamont's take:

    Yo, Lady DBG,

    While any self-respecting Joe would prefer to belong to a guy - as is proper and as guys know what we Joes like to do best - sometimes only a chick will have us. Chicks don't dig our gun issues, but they can be taught to respect our persons. So long as you ain't dressing us up in pink and orange Kenwear, you can keep us. Don't send us to the SA. Kids today got NO respect for action figures.

    So you got Lamont Morris, a REAL Joe's permission.

    End of Lamont's spiel.

    D7ana: I am sure that he meant, "opinion," not "permission," DBG.

    LG: I meant permission. And that weren't no spiel.

  9. Dear Lamont,

    Thank you for properly introducing yourself. I enjoy knowing the real identities of my dol... I mean playscale action figures.

    This morning, I sent my son the following email with an email attachment of my (I mean, his) two Joes:

    Hi [Son],

    I found these in the toy bin in your room... wrote a blog and included them in it. I'm thinking they need to remain free from the bin and added to my collection. Before I invest money in clothing for their shirtless bodies, I decided I would ask you if you want them first. So... do you want them?



    Son's reply:

    No, I only want the small ones. You trying to hustle my toys??

    My reply to him:

    No, I'm not trying to hustle your toys... just trying to free the men who may want female companionship from my women dolls.


    So Lamont, you, the other Philly Joes, and D7ana can relax because with my son's permission, I am keeping your twin and the white guy free. What's your friend's name?

    They also will not be dressed in anything manufactured by Mattel. I am also purchasing real Joe-like clothing for them that I saw in someone's photos this morning. More on that later.


  10. Now, don't you feel better about asking him? I know I do. You can tell him that he has me to thank for that. "You trying to hustle my toys?" That is too funny. He sounds like a keeper. Ask him if he's interested in a 42 yr old woman that looks to be in her early 30s. At least that's what I get from people, men and women when they find out how old I am.

    I think D7ana thought the "bin" was the giveaway pile.

  11. Yeah... I feel better about asking him and he does have you to thank because otherwise I probably would have just confiscated them.

    You are too funny. That's wonderful you look so young. Usually people think I'm in my 40s or they just gasp when I mention grandchildren. We must be doing something right, huh? Maybe it's the doll play.

    I think you're right about D7ana thinking the Joes were headed for the SA. Not in this life.


  12. Whew! Lamont, the other Joes, and I all breathed a sigh of relief that your son's Joes were staying with you. My folk think that the SA and other organizations are the last places any of them would want to go to. Or to wish on anyone. Shrug.

    Lamont sends his approval and a thumbs up for your understanding of the clothes situation. Alas, he does not recognize the guy next to his Texas double. He seems to have Lamont's body - okay, a body similar to Lamont's - and the same pants. Nice pants, did I say? So he's probably from the same period, 1990s.

    And yes, I think the doll play contributes to our youthful looks ;-D

  13. Hi D7ana,

    I'm sure Lamont and Dude (for now) were purchased at the same time for my son because both have the same 1992 copyright date.

    Their green trousers and Lamont's boots are original, Hasbro issue.


  14. Your guy might be Ringo. Please see the third row, second column here.

  15. Darn, link did not appear ... here's the web site:

  16. Hi D7ana,

    Thanks for the links to the GI Joe head mold site at Master Collector. Ringo is similar to my Joe, but not the same. I did learn the internally-used head mold names for my GI Janes: Doris and Betty. Betty is the Vietnam Nurse.

    After visiting the head mold site, my curiosity about Dude was piqued. I entered "12-inch 1992 GI Joe" as a search phrase on and found the NRFB versions of both Joes.

    The Black figure is GI Joe Basic Training Heavy Duty and the white one is GI Joe Basic Training Grunt, which accurately describes his facial expression.

    Thanks again for your help!


  17. Lamont A. Morris, a.k.a. Heavy Duty has a Wikipedia profile.

    Robert W. Graves, a.k.a. Grunt is from Columbus, OH. He also has a Wikipedia profile.

    Info is power.


  18. You're welcome. Yay! Glad you found your guy's name, etc., DBG.

    Grunt? Grunt? Poor fellow. What a name to carry, lol. Even a code name.

    Knowledge is power, and power can be FUN. Ah the world post Internet.


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