
Thursday, June 2, 2011

May 2011 Online Doll Show Collectors' Choice Award Winner

April by Ping Lau is the recipient of the May 2011 Online Doll Show (ODS) Collectors' Choice Award
Best In Show. (Photograph courtesy of Ping Lau)

After a recent visit to Ping Lau's website, I beamed with joy after discovering April and was very proud of Ping for the ODS award April won.

The curious collector in me wanted to know more about this award and more about this doll that made my heart skip a beat or two.  So I sent Ping the following email:

Hi Ping

I visited your website yesterday to see if you were offering anything new.  I saw April... she is beautiful!  I'd like to share information about April on my blog along with pictures.  Can you tell me more about her other than she is made of resin (I guess), is 32 inches, and a one of a kind.  Was she created specifically to enter the Online Doll Show Award [contest]? 

I visited the ODS website to see what other dolls April competed against, but there weren't any images available.  Do you know how many other dolls were in the competition?

Thanks, Ping!

In my lifetime,

Debbie Garrett
Ping replied:
Hi Debbie,
How are you? I believe there were 7 dolls in the competition. Please share pictures of April on your blog – let me know if you want more photos. She is one-of-a-kind sculpted in Premo. I made her for my centrepiece in the Black Memorabilia, Art and Doll show here in Gaithersburg in early April.

Ping also shared the above additional, full-length photograph of April.  Click to enlarge and view the image in a new window.  Isn't she lovely?  I smile each time I look at her pictures.

If I had the room, I'd adopt April in a heartbeat.  If you have the room and the $1,250 adoption fee + shipping, or if you want to know more about the ODS Collectors' Choice Award, the website links for Ping Lau and ODS are below.

Ping Lau's Website
Online Doll Show

PS - Check out Ping's portrait dolls. By far, she is one of the best portrait doll artists I know! 


  1. April is beautiful! Her smile just makes you want to smile. I've always loved seeing Ping Lau dolls. I'm surprised I never bought any of her dolls. Or did I? I don't think so. Some of her Portrait dolls were spot on. She does do great work as a Portrait Artist.

  2. I love April, but her smile is what I enjoy. She makes me smile. Ping is the best. Did you see my grandson's portraits in doll form? I was going to do a blog about them, but I'm not sure... the makings of. What a gift God has given Ping. To be able to take a substance and mold it into the likeness of a person amazes me. I had to commission her to create dolls of my favorite one-of-a-kind dolls. I'll do the blog soon.

  3. Which one was your grandson? I just looked again, and since I don't know his name, I couldn't figure it out. That should be a good blog post.

  4. My typo probably through you off. It should have read: grandsons' portraits. Find them now.


  5. Well now it's easy. What a handsome pair they are! I started looking at all the little White boys too. You just never know these days, so I never assume.

  6. I know you hear me laughing. But you're right... these days you cannot assume.

    Thanks for the compliment. I love those two boys.


  7. Wouldn't it be fabulous if DollDreams made April into a vinyl doll kit for reborn doll artists? I would be one of the first to purchase and create her... in fact, I have started a "grass roots" campaign of one, encouraging DollDreams to do just that!

    1. Good luck with your campaign. Perhaps you should contact the artist, Ping Lau, directly to see about the possibility of an April doll kit.

      Ping's website Her email address is on the home page.

  8. Hi, how may I get to buy one ? I love it it's wonderful.


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