
Friday, June 3, 2011

Célébrations en Couleurs Exhibit - UFDC Convention July 2011

The United Federation of Doll Clubs will hold their 62nd national convention in Anaheim, California beginning July 25, 2011 through July 29, 2011.  The theme is Les Célébrations des Poupees. For those UFDC members who enjoy all types of dolls, their history, a multitude of workshops, doll buying (in convention sales rooms) and all things doll-related, the UFDC Convention should prove to be an enjoyable experience -- a true celebration of dolls!  Convention registration is restricted to UFDC members, family members and guests 18 years of age or older. 

As a several-year member-at-large of UFDC, I have attended one national convention, their 57th, which was held in my hometown in 2006.  I wanted to experience a doll convention of this magnitude where usually over 1000 doll enthusiasts (collectors and artists) are in attendance.  I commuted to downtown Dallas during three days of the week-long event.  It was an enjoyable experience, but there were not very many dolls that mirror those in my collection.  The highlight of my experience, however, was meeting the man behind his wooden dolls:  master doll artist/carver, Floyd Bell.  Floyd and I have maintained contact and collaborated on doll articles and held frequent written doll discussions since our memorable meeting in Dallas, Texas. 

Garrett and Bell at the 57th UFDC Convention, Dallas, Texas (2006)

While convention registration is restricted to UFDC members, family, and guests 18years of age or older, the convention is open to the public on Thursday, July 28, 2011, when non-UFDC members can enjoy the exhibit and sales rooms for a nominal entrance fee. If you are able to attend this year's UFDC Convention in Anaheim, California, stop by and say hello to Floyd for me.  Unlike the convention I attended in 2006, this year there will be a presence of Black dolls. 

Bell and his doll club, Crescent Bay Doll Fanciers, a Southern California organization, will sponsor UFDC's Modern Dolls of Color event (Célébrations en Couleurs) that I am sure will be spectacular!  The event is described by UFDC as follows:

'Celebrating the artists and artistry of modern dolls of color‛

Artistry, elegance, beauty, and dignity of purpose- this marvelous exhibit is a small slice of the world of dolls of color. A feast for the eye awaits visitors to this exhibit which celebrates the artistry of modern dolls of color as well as the artists who create them displayed in scenes celebrating both the special and every day moments in life. The exhibit is sponsored by Crescent Bay Doll Fanciers of Southern California. It includes the work of local, national, and international doll artists.
Stephanie Moore, the current president of the multicultural Crescent Bay Doll Fanciers added:
Célébrations en Couleurs is our chance to share the world of dolls of color from our perspective, with UFDC, (a respected and prominent organization with a long arm).  Since I have been in [Crescent Bay Doll Fanciers], I have been lamenting the preponderance of Gollywogs, Beloved Belindies, Mammies and other stereotypical-type dolls of color that I have seen at UFDC functions. Though loved by many even in our own community, and clearly worth much historically, I have long thought that it was time to bring a new perspective to the table and who better to do this than a primarily (at this time) club of color? We have so many wonderful modern artists who have not been as recognized and should be so I thought it was time we recognized them.
Célébrations en Couleurs is one of 6 special exhibits this year at the convention. The exhibit is curated by Mary Kimbrough. It is very encouraging that UFDC is beginning to incorporate Black-doll exhibits organized by those closely connected to the dolls we love.  I hope to see more of this at future conventions.

To view this year's tentative schedule of events, click here. To learn more about the UFDC organization, click here.

Crescent Bay Doll Fanciers' website can be accessed here.



  1. It's always nice to see what internet friends look like. I get to see your picture on the cover of your book, but you never know how much of that is Photoshop. LOL! You know I am kidding again. Please explain the doll that you are wearing.

  2. Vanessa -- you "so" crazy! LOL! Actually the cover photo is photoshopped. I "cartoonized" a picture my daughter took of me. That process distorted the appearance of some of the dolls so I sent the original and the cartoonized versions to my son to properly digitalize. My intention for the book's cover was not to be so readily identifiable as I would be had I used the original version. Normally, I am very low key. I did however, begin using the original as my Facebook photo a few months ago.

    Anyway, about the leather doll pouch I am wearing: It was made by leather doll artist Lorna Paris of NY. She is well known for her one-of-a-kind leather dolls and pouches. The pouch (the doll's body) can accommodate an ID, CCs, dollar bills, or small change. It's definitely a conversation piece.

    Please visit Lorna's website to view her beautiful doll art. There is also a link to her website under the Links section of my blog. She is one of my favorite doll artists.


  3. Lorna does beautiful work. I initially thought yours was some type of pen.


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