
Friday, April 20, 2012

Is That Washington and Snipes?

11-1/2-inch action figures by Blue Box and Dragon Models Ltd. 

These two were described as Denzel-like and Wesley Snipes-like by Old Joe Infirmary.  I saw them at their website when picking up some extra separate clothing items for my Head Play Michael Jordan

If you look at these two really close and use your imagination, a slight resemblance to the two aforementioned celebrities might formulate. I can almost see a Mo' Better Blues Denzel, but I haven't figured out which Wesley character this figure might possibly represent.  If I were a Snipes fan, I would probably know, but fan of his, I am not.

It's unfortunate that "Denzel's" high-top fade dates him back to the 1990s, but it coincides with his Blue Box copyright year of 1999.   Also unfortunate are Denzel's gloved hands (see next image).  Replacements are definitely in order as my first option.  My next option is to go for brown acrylic paint coverage.

"Wesley" is by Dragon Models Ltd. and also has a copyright date of 1999.   His black hair is spray-painted on.  A clicking motion is audible when his arms are repositioned.

These guys are practicing control over mind and body while assuming the lotus position.

Short in stature, they are both only 11-1/2 inches in actual height.  Both have multiple, flexible, yet tight joints and can easily assume the lotus position as shown above.

Snipes and Washington height comparison
Above is a comparison photo of the guys standing alongside some of my other men.  In bare feet, they range in size from 11 inches ("Ernesto," far left--GI Joe) to 13-3/8 inches (Remi, far right by Integrity Toys). 

Since neither has his own clothing line or brand, they won't mind wearing anything I decide to dress them in and are even comfortable in their birthday suits.

Revelation:  Integrity's Remi can wear Ken's boots from the Barbie Basics Look No. 04 Collection 002 accessory pack.


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  1. Thanks for the comparison chart. I have Ernesto and didn't even know it. Thanks also for the info on Remi. That is great to know. My poor guy is still in his gear that he came with. I wonder if Ken clothes are to short for him. Maybe I will just dress him in shorts and put him away for the winter. Lol!

    Happy Friday to you!

    1. Happy Friday to you, Georgia Girl!

      I think Ken's clothing will be too short for Remi, at least long pants will be. Shorts might work.


  2. I can definitely see Wesley, but I am having trouble seeing Denzel. I do like the Denzel figure, though. Wow, they are short!

    1. I think it will be a stretch for most people to see Denzel in the "Denzel"-like figure. I had to look really hard and use my imagination. The eyes are similar to me, particularly the "bags." He's still no true Denzel, however.

      Yes, they are short! Maybe some platforms (inner) will help them out in the height area.


  3. Thanks for sharing these two new gentlemen, Debbie! I, too, can't see Denzel in that figure although I can make out Snipes in that figure.

    If Remi is the same size as Fashion Royalty Lukas, Ken pants won't be wide enough for him to pull on. Thanks for the tip that the new Ken fashion pack shoes can be worn by FR Hommes. The FR guys can also fit some action figure footwear ....

    1. Hi D7ana,

      You're welcome. Thanks for sharing what you see and the info on the fit of Ken's clothing for FR dolls.


  4. They might not be exact look-a-likes but they are good look AA males! Thanks for the height comparison. Those are the things you never know about until you get the item home.

    1. I agree Ms. Leo; they are good looking AA males. I knew you'd appreciate the height comparison.



  5. I think the one can look like Wesley if he had a beard. There is a picture of him on the web with a bald head and the figure looks like him.

  6. Thanks, MDW. I tried locating a picture of Snipes with a shaven head, but didn't find one that resembled this figure. I probably made a mistake of looking for one with a shaven face, too, and overlooked the one you saw with the beard.



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