
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Letters to Editors

As mentioned in yesterday's post, Past Doll Articles of Note, I am in the process of purging my doll magazine library.  My doll magazine reading is now limited to digital subscriptions and referencing hard copies of the back issues I plan to keep.  I can read digital versions online with an option to print articles of note at my discretion.  Selling the issues I no longer need is part of my self-imposed reduced paper and clutter act. 

I became aware of now, doll-friend Bettie Ativie during the late-1990s when I penned the "Spotlight on Collectors" column of DOLL-E-GRAM, which is no longer in circulation.  Betty graciously allowed me to profile her by submitting answers to my questionnaire and sharing images of her dolls.  I shall never forget the very impressive photograph she shared of herself with twin Fatous by Annette Himstedt.    This period was pre-Internet access for both of us when our communication was solely by snail mail. 

I am so happy my process of magazine elimination includes reading the Letters to the Editor.  Otherwise, I would have missed Betty's letter to the editor of Contemporary Doll Collector, which was published in the May 2009 issue, some 11 years after our initial correspondence.  As a result of this letter, Betty and I reconnected and have since communicated on a frequent basis through mailed letters initially,  by email now, and by phone on a couple of occasions.  Betty has also shared dolls from her collection for my blog and has inspired some of my other blog posts.

Letter written by Betty Ativie to the editor of Contemporary Doll Collector, published in the May 2009 issue (click to enlarge).

The second letter to the editor of a doll magazine that I am keeping was written by my dear friend, Ruth Manning, whose friendship I will cherish and whose memory will live forever in my heart.  As mentioned in this blog post, Ruth and I met in 2003.  During one of our many telephone conversations, she and I discussed the routine absence of magazine articles on black dolls.  We asked ourselves, "Why do we subscribe to these publications when they rarely include articles on the dolls we love and collect?"  I suggested that she do what I had done in the past, pen letters, either mailed or electronically, to doll magazine editors to broaden their awareness of our unmet need.  She did.  One of Ruth's letters to editors was published in the August 2009 issue of Doll Reader.  Before discovering her letter, I made a mental note that this magazine would spark interest on eBay from Annette Himstedt doll enthusiasts.  Himstedt is featured on the cover, dolls from her personal collection are shared, and her farewell to dollmaking is the overall theme.  

A snapshot of Ruth's letter and Doll Reader's reply follows (if necessary, click to enlarge). 

Ruth Manning's letter to the editor of Doll Reader magazine, published in their August 2009 issue

Their ability to spark interest will remain a mystery because these two magazines will remain in my existing doll reference library.

To view the doll magazines I am selling, which are currently listed on eBay, click here.  In order to take advantage of eBay's 50 free listings per month and up to 12 free pictures for each listing, it will take me several weeks to list all magazines I am selling.  So please continue to check my listings and feel free to share the link.  Thanks in advance!


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