
Monday, August 13, 2012

Forgotten But Not Lost

The Gold Label doll that arrived in this box was designed by Bill Greening.  It was released by Mattel on August 1, 2007, at a retail price of $115.00. I purchased my doll during a blow-out sale for $47.95 in September 2008.   At the time of purchase, I was not heavily into Barbie or other fashion dolls. As a result, this super-lovely doll with pivotal body and 12 points of articulation (!) remained in her original box and shipper in a bedroom closet where other dolls, mostly babies, are stored.

Also stored in that closet are remaining quantities of my 1st and 3rd books. After selling a copy of the 1st book recently, which leaves a total of one remaining copy, I stumbled upon this shipper and wondered which doll it contained.

Jazz Diva Barbie in original box with microphone, 2 extra wigs (auburn, blonde), mock dressing table, make-up palette, back stage ensemble, box of roses with a good luck note card from Ken, and doll stand.

I relished at the sight of Jazz Diva Barbie and at the sight of the September/Fall 2007 issue of Barbie Collector magazine, which features the doll on the cover.  I had securely placed the magazine inside the shipper with the doll. Both had been forgotten for years but will be enjoyed out of the box (the shipper box, that is) from now on. I am not sure when or if I will release Jazz Diva from her box because she looks so perfect in her current setting, a perfect diorama for a jazz diva. I would like to enjoy seeing the different looks her two extra wigs provide and the poses she can strike with her pivotal, articulated body.  Maybe I will soon.

Jazz Diva's extra wigs
After this pleasant rediscovery, I noticed that the production doll does not appear to use the same head sculpt as the prototype doll.  The production doll's complexion is also darker than the prototype's.  These two actualities are positives in my book.

Close-up of Jazz Diva Barbie; isn't she lovely?

Does anyone know which head sculpt the production doll uses?

Jazz Diva's full description with prototype image can be read at the website:
Jazz Diva™ Barbie® Doll | Barbie Collector.

Is there an updated Barbie and family head sculpt database anywhere on the Internet other than Kattis's, which has not been updated since the early 2000s?


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  1. Wow! She is beautiful. I can't believe she sat there for so long. Congratz! That closet is sounding like Vanessa's basement! LOL! You might have to take everything out and look!

    1. Thanks, Ms. Leo. Yes, she is gorgeous. It's a good thing I stumbled upon her in that closet because I thought she was in the doll room. Had I wanted to find her, I would have looked high an low in the doll room first and been very frustrated by not finding her. There was a 27-inch vinyl baby doll in the corner of the closet that kept the box from my view.

      The closet doesn't have as many hidden treasures in it as Vanessa's basement, but this is one that I am glad I reconnected with.


  2. Beautiful doll! This is one that I regret sleeping on. This one and Hard Rock AA. Her display is lovely, so the great thing is you are able to enjoy her regardless. It is so nice to run across dolls that you have not seen in a while. This is part of why I can't seem to finish my doll room. : )

    1. Hard Rock is one that I considered, too, but passed on, Georgia Girl.

      It's always nice to reconnect with dolls and fall in love all over again.

      I really need to reorganize my doll room (and I guess doll closets, too).


  3. You bring new meaning to "shopping the closet." Jazz Diva is lovely. Thanks for sharing this re-discovery.

  4. hi i like you new doll.i think she is beauty.

  5. I see her described as having the Mbiii face, DBG. I've got a link to an updated list of Barbie doll faces at my blog, too. Thanks for the post idea ;-D

    1. Thanks, D7ana. I saw your blog post last night but could not acknowledge it because I was on my Kindle Fire. Blogger comments made with that device are either hit and miss. Decided I'd thank you as soon as I returned to my desktop. Thank you!

      The ModelMuse face database is very helpful. I appreciate the time you took to seek it out and post it. I am still in need of a general updated all-Barbie family mold database. If you become aware of one, please share.


    2. My pleasure ;-D

      If I find a general updated all-Barbie family mold database, I will share that information. Doll Reference has lots of general information, but they don't go current with their Barbie coverage.

  6. Hello from Spain: I love Jazz Diva Barbie Doll. She has a very attractive face. I had not seen before. Keep in touch

    1. Hi Marta,

      Thank you for visiting and comment on Jazz Diva Barbie. I agree; she is very lovely. So glad I found her.


  7. Wow, what a presence she has! Kinda sultry and demur at the same time. I like that each wig is a different style, not just a different color.

    1. Thanks, Muff. Mattel gets my two thumbs up on Jazz Diva.



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