
Friday, August 10, 2012

Re-Bodied Determination

The reader is referred to the recent makeover given Fashion Fever Kayla.

LIV's Making Waves Alexis and Fashion Fever Kayla prior to the body swap

I found a LIV Alexis for a decent price online with free shipping to replace Kayla's non-articulated body.

After her new body donor arrived, Kayla examined her from head to toe prior to giving consent for the surgical procedure she was about to undergo.  I had already explained the risks, benefits, alternatives, and possible complications of the procedure to Kayla. The risks included but were not limited to improper neck joint fit, neck joint damage, scarring, shorter stature, and the possible need for a different outfit and/or shoes. The alternative was to do nothing and remain non-articulated.  Kayla felt the benefits of articulation outweighed the possible risks and gave her full informed consent to undergo the procedure.  I did not bother getting a consent from Alexis because she understood her fate. 

The procedure was conducted in a day surgery setting and took less than 30 minutes including recovery time and redressing.  Photos of what took place follow:

The body exchange has taken place in the above image.  Kayla is recovering nicely, waiting for her clothing, and hoping her Limbe Dolls black lace lingerie will fit her new body. 

The Limbe Dolls lingerie is a nice fit on Kayla's new body.  She and I are both happy about this.  The Stardoll ankle boots that she was wearing before are also a better fit on her new feet without the need to Saran-wrap them.

Kayla thanked me profusely for performing the procedure.  She is thrilled that she can now either sit or stand and position herself in several other poses if desired.

As for Alexis... well, I thought her over-sized head was destined for the doll-head cemetery, but she had other plans.

Determined to remain in doll world, Alexis wanted and now has Kayla's former non-articulated body.  She borrowed Moxie Teenz Bijou's Afro wig, dressed herself in a Barbie Fashionistas pink print dress, and found shoes to match.  Now that's what I call determination.  


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  1. Wonderful transformation! I love them both. I passed on getting this Liv doll because I was on the hunt for the darker complexion. I need to look for this one. She is a great match for Kayla. I love the Limbe Doll fashion. I need to get a couple of these. I don't know how I missed out on the Moxie teen Afro wig. I definitely would have purchased it. I may have to just do a boil perm to get one.

    Happy Friday Debbie!

    1. Kayla is looking very sassy on her new body. Georgia Girl I have seen several Moxie Teen Afro wigs in Toys R Us of late. They were impossible to find last year but now that the Moxie Teenz are being phased out the wigs and accessories have turned up at cheaper prices. Try the Toys R Us in Buckhead or North Point.

    2. Ok, thanks so much! I will call first to see if either have it. I really aporeciate the info.

  2. The re-body makes Kayla's pose perfect.

  3. Love the rebody! She looks like she loves it as well:)

  4. Thanks ladies! Kayla certain loves her new body.

    Georgia Girl - Hope you're able to find the Moxie Teenz Afro Wig. It was the one I had to have when the dolls were released. I knew others would want it, so I purchased extras and sold them on eBay. A boil perm is a nice alternative in the event you cannot find one.


    1. I hope so too. I never saw them. I would have purchased several as well. Yes, a boil perm it may have to be if I don't find one.

  5. I am so glad the surgery was a success Kayla looks wonderful. An Alexis is a troopper.

    1. Thank you Mustiwait... Yes, Alexis needs to be commended for her selflessness.



  6. Hi, I'm Spanish
    I just discovered your blog
    I love
    I have a pair of doll how are you as a child.
    a Nancy (typical Spanish) and a Barbie
    I met you contecta
    I will follow you around here

    1. Thanks for stopping by Mueblesparablythe. I would love to add a dark-skinned Blythe to my collection one day... or have one painted black.

      Hope you'll stop by again soon.


  7. What a cute blog post. Kayla has a new attitude with that new body. Could be the black lace undies adding to that new attitude, too. Way to go Alexis. Take your place in dolly world.

    1. Danielle's identical cousin is sweet, but she's more feisty than Danielle.

      Alexis is pretty feisty, too; demanding to stay in doll world.


  8. Nice happily ever after story for both dolls. Applause! Your Alexis is much luckier than mine who remain in the DAF head box for resale. Thanks for sharing.

    BTW, Ross has some of the darker complected Alexis dolls. So if you missed getting them at Target, try for them at your Ross Dress for Less stores.

  9. She is rocking that new body. Dare I say she has quite the swagger now.


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