
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Broken President

Because he is did not mind sharing, my TrueType (President Obama) figure shared his suit jacket this past February with So In Style Darren, who can be seen here wearing it in place of the pink jacket that came with the "suit" Darren wore to celebrate Valentine's Day with Trichelle.

SIS Darren redressed in Ken's 1970s Playing it Cool fashion

Darren has since undergone another redress as part of a September SIS Group redressing event that I participated in.  In this event, Darren (as shown above) goes retro in Ken's 1970 Play It Cool fashion #1433. He holds the September 1970 copy of Ebony magazine featuring the Jackson 5 on the cover.  His hair is a removable Afro wig courtesy of Limbe Dolls.

In the meantime (since February), the jacket Darren borrowed from my TrueType figure was left lying on top of a box in the doll room.   Yesterday, I decided to place it back on the President.  In doing so, I twisted one of his arms causing it to break at the joint!  [Insert expletive of your choice here].

TrueType (Obama) with broken arm -- hand was intentionally removed in order to remove this shirt sleeve for the attempted repair.

I tried to re-glue the arm with Super Glue.  It was held together with packaging tape overnight after the glue was applied.  This morning I removed the tape. Unfortunately, the glue did not hold.  I may have to turn this repair over to my husband or just reattach the upper and lower arm pieces with tape (or a Band-Aid) and allow his long-sleeved shirt and jacket to cover it.

Don't you just hate it when stuff like this happens?


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  1. I just hate when I break something.

  2. The 70's Outfit On SIS Darren Is Awesome!!
    I Love The 70's Fashions Especially For The Men!
    I Love The Way He's Looking Now!!
    Jackson's Five Fashions was something so so amazing and POP!!
    A Great Homage!!
    Love This Post,Debbie!!

  3. Darren looks great in that outfit and his wig is too cool. Better watch out that the doll secret service doesn't come after you for damaging the President.

    1. I needed that secret service laugh, Muff. I sure better watch out because this is the second injury the President has sustained while in my care.


  4. So sorry to hear about Obama...definitely hate to see him injured. You don't have any Republican figures around, do you? They're campaigning has been awfully dirty this election year. ;)

    Wow, Darren looks really cool in that wig. I really like his face, it's too bad Mattel couldn't spend a lil' extra cash to give him real hair.

    1. Thanks, Tracy. I was pretty upset about the broken arm.

      The political climate has been very unpleasant this election. I am looking forward with "hope" for November 7 (the day after the election) when hopefully things will have settled.

      The wig really gives Darren a different look. Rooted hair would have been nice.


  5. Very sorry to hear that the president was injured. Darren looks cool, though!

  6. Love your restyled Darren. The wig is ultra cool. Goodness, what were you doing to that poor doll? I feel your pain. As you know my Rod has a broken leg from multiple falls to the floor. I have yet taken the time to 'fix' him. Still kicking myself for not being more careful.

  7. Limbe Dolls - Vanessa; thanks for the compliments on Darren's new look and condolences on the President's broken arm.

    I must be more careful twisting and turning the joints, but you would think for $59 or whatever I paid for him, the joints would be more sturdy and not pop with a minor twist and paint would not rub off his forehead from minor falls to the carpet. Oh well "it" happens. I won't be spending that much money any time soon on an action figure, I don't care who he looks like.



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