
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Blogger's Nonfunctional Search Gadget

I recently discovered the optional search gadget offered by Blogger no longer works.  I installed the search box on my blog for both my benefit and for the benefit of readers looking for specific blog posts.

I relied heavily on this feature to quickly locate past blog posts that I reference in new posts.  Since it no longer works, I needed an alternative.   I found and installed Google's Custom Search Engine.  I set it up to search my entire blog when readers enter keywords into the search box.  Unfortunately, it is not configured to open up a second window with the search results.  The reader is moved from the home page of the blog to a new window where the search results are listed. 

Hopefully Blogger will repair the glitch in their search box feature.  Until then, I and those who need it, can use Google Custom Search. 

To create your own Google Custom Search box,
Go here.
Watch the video or click the link to begin creating (which is what I did).

After adding the URL and extensions (your blog's URL and areas to be searched), you will copy the code;
Open the Layout feature of your blog;
Select the HTML gadget from the layout;
Copy the code there;

Note:  I used the two URLs and extension examples shown below to allow searches to be conducted from my entire site and all subdomains of it:

I hope this helps!


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Please visit and "Like" The Doll Blogs: When Dolls Speak I Listen


  1. The Usual Troubles Offered Us By BLOGGER!!
    Nobody Deserve It!!
    I need to read it in a better moment,Debbie to understand how can use the optio you tell us about.Thank You,For The Information!!


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