
Monday, November 25, 2013

Fashion Icons Janay

Integrity Toys Fashion Icons Janay, ©2002

Sought and found!  Integrity Toys Fashion Icons Janay which probably entered the market in 2003 has now been marked off my wish list.  She is as lovely as I expected.  No words are necessary to describe her beauty.  I will allow the photos to illustrate this.

She is gorgeous!

Janay shows off her Kool-Aid red streaks as she engages her beau.

Fashion Icons Tariq is happy Janay has arrived, too.
The lovely faux leather-clad couple poses for one final photo.


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  1. Gorgeous! Congratulations on getting something from your wish list. She is on my radar also.

    1. Thank you, GG. I hope you're able to find her at a good price. I didn't realize until sharing the link to this post on FB that she is wish listed by so many, but I can totally understand why. She is gorgeous.


  2. Glad you got your wish list doll, DBG! I got mine years ago and she's still a favorite. Not crazy about her bend elbows, but her face is lovely. And double yay for getting the Fashion Icons Tariq.

    Guess we know who will be featured in your Thanksgiving post ;-)

    1. The congratulations is appreciated D7ana.

      Tariq's presence preceded Janay's by several months. He was featured here,


    2. Thanks for the live link! I enjoyed that post!

  3. I agree, just gorgeous! I especially like how they have styled her hair.

  4. Love her! This is my first time seeing her, though. Congrats!


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