
Monday, January 20, 2014

My $11.94 Gold Gown

Gold Gown Barbie was one of my last 2013 doll purchases.   The doll arrived a couple of weeks ago and had not been deboxed until yesterday.  

Her complexion and hair are not as pale and light as the above image suggests.  She is a lovely doll, but had I not needed to use my final Barbie Fan Club Reward, I doubt I would have purchased. The Reward is the reason she was $11.94.

I like her Goddess head sculpt, which I do not have in this complexion.  Her facial features remind me of actress, Naya Rivera, which is another reason I purchased this particular doll.


Note:  The above photo was taken using my iPad camera. This post was written from that device to test the Blogger app  This method is okay for quick posts that contain few details, but I doubt I will use it often.  I am too old school and often too wordy.  Plus the low resolution iPad photos do not offer as much detail as photos taken with my digital camera.

It is still a decent option for a quick post.

Gold Gown Barbie -- photographed using my digital camera.



  1. She is beautiful! I received mine as a barter (partial) for some commission work. I love her! I haven't deboxed her yet. I am curious as to whether or not the fabric around the neck has a snap.

  2. Hi GG,

    I opened the bottom flap of the box, which was not sealed. The fabric around her neck has a Velcro closure.


  3. I love her. I thought about getting her and having her be the younger version of Danielle and tell her story as a young lady before she had kids.

    1. That sounds like a wonderful storyline Vanessa. I am sure you will love her as much in person as you do in pictures. I plan to eventually debox her just to stand around with others and look pretty.


  4. I recently saw this doll in person in Target. She is pretty but the one I saw had wonky eyelashes like some of the Star dolls. I would look them over carefully.

    1. Thanks for the tip on inspecting the eyelashes, Ms. Leo. Hopefully those who purchase the doll in person will do that. I didn't have that luxury, but thank goodness I was sent a perfect doll from



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