
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Throwback Thursday: The Original Candi Girl

Hamilton Design Systéme Candi Couture ad, Doll Reader, August 1994

While searching through my doll article archives, I stumbled upon a xerographic copy of an article a doll friend from Novia Scotia sent me in 1998.  I was pleased to see the headshot of the creator of the original Candi Girl dolls, Helena Hamilton.  Of course I read the article when Kim sent it to me, but had forgotten all about it and had definitely forgotten that I had seen the lovely image of Ms. Hamilton.

After scanning the two-page article, "Hey There Candi Girl! Barbie Doll's Sophisticated Competition" by Beauregard Houston-Montgomery, published in the December/January 1998 issue of Contemporary Doll Collector, I decided to share it here along with a link to a post I published in February 2010 on Hamilton's Candi



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  1. Who knew? Thanks for the info. I had to stop reading the article because there are a number of Candi dolls on my list, and I didn't want to hop over to anther site and start spending money I don't have.

    1. The article wasn't meant to enable, but I know it is easy for that to happen to doll lovers.

      I had forgotten that Hamilton had been a backup singer for the people mentioned in the article.


  2. Thank you for the information, I didn't know this doll yet, she's lovely!

  3. I didn't know the Candi Girl line was ever at Toys R Us. Neat. I thought that the line was mail order and then Ms. Hamilton worked with Mikelmann and then Integrity Toys. Thanks for sharing this information ;-)

  4. Hi D7ana,

    I never saw them at Toys R Us either. Note: The article was published in Jan. 1998. The Candi-Toys R Us collaboration was a plan that might have fallen through for unknown reasons. Things change. She did well without them.


  5. This release was wayyyy before I started collecting, lol. These dolls look pretty fierce as we used to say back in the day.

    1. Candi Girls were pretty fierce for fashion dolls. There were no other like them. I think Integrity learned a lesson or two from Ms. Hamilton's productions.


    2. I met Helena at a doll show in Sacramento many years ago and bought 2 of her dolls in a white box which she autographed.

  6. It's wonderful that you were able to purchase two of Hamilton's dolls directly from her and that you had her autograph them.


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