
Friday, March 21, 2014

Another Queens of Africa Doll

I am now the proud owner of a custom-made-for-me Queens of Africa doll, Nneka.  The doll's fashion incorporates my favorite color (peach).

Part of her spreadsheet entry reads: 
11-1/2 inch vinyl fashion doll; burnt orange lace top, peach/brown/tan wrap skirt, gold headwrap; has red clutch, pink swimsuit, pink hair brush, doll stand and an extra shimmery red gown with sash that reads:  Queen of Love.  Doll has brown painted eyes, light brown rooted hair with multiple tiny braids, twist and turn waist, click-bend knees.
Several tiny braids underneath her headwrap are protected by a rubber band that I can remove, if desired, to allow the braids to hang free.

Thank you, Mr. Taofick Okoya, for your kind gesture.

My other three dolls can be seen here.  I purchased the initial three through eBay.  Visit the company's Facebook page or website for updates on where to buy.


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  1. Congratulations on getting her! She is pretty! That is an added charm that she is dressed in your favorite color. ; )

  2. Thanks, GG,

    I love surprises and feel particularly blessed when they are dolls I like that incorporate my favorite color. It can't get much better than that.


  3. Pretty! I like her outfit a lot. It's how I used to dress way back in the day when I was young, colorful and carefree. Did she come with another issue of the comic book?

    1. Hi Muff,

      The QoA books are sold separately. The one I received with the dolls I purchased was a complimentary copy.

      I thought you were still young, colorful, and carefree.


  4. Congratulations on getting your new QoA doll, DBG! She's pretty.

  5. Congratulations on your new doll. I have been searching for Queen Azeezah doll. Especially the beautiful one with the twist, OMG. I hope to have her soon as well as a Big Beautiful doll Dasia. Thanks so much for the link!

    1. Thanks Brini! I hope you are able to welcome Azeezah with braids to Dotsville soon.



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