
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

New Wal-Mart, New Fashions

A new Wal-Mart opened up recently in my area.  Their sewing center is where I purchased the smaller buttons used for Russell Williams' suit.

While there, I had to check out the toy department, specifically the Barbie section for shoe packs and other accessories.  I purchased the following shoe packs during the first visit.  (Yes, I wrote "first.")

Even though two of these shoe packs are identical, too many shoes is never a problem for a playscale woman.  Husband, who was with me, offered his input.  "Here's a pack with silver shoes (all excited), did you see these?"  (Yes, I see them, was my answer.) He wasn't too enthused with the color of the accessories and added.  "You could paint the necklaces."  Good idea, I thought.  He saw a couple of fashions for Barbie and Ken that he suggested I purchase, but I declined.  I just wanted the shoes. 
In less than a week's time, however, that desire changed when I saw the following photograph on Facebook with dolls wearing one of the dresses Husband suggested.

The Facebook caption for this picture read:  Trichelle steals the show.  (Photograph courtesy of Erica Alford Williams)

While admiring how fabulous these ladies look, I called my husband into the room to view Erica's photograph and asked, "Isn't this one of the dresses we saw at Wal-Mart?"  His affirmative answer included, "I told you to buy that one, but naw, you won't listen to me."  (Rolling my eyes and twisting my lips to the side, I continued to admire the picture.)

What a brilliant idea, I thought, of Erica's photo (she always takes the most creative pictures).  Not knowing who would wear the dresses, I had to go back to Wal-Mart and buy at least three.

A few days before my mother's birthday, I decided to bake a 7-Up cake for her.  My decades' old bundt cake pan has seen better days; and since I didn't want to risk parts of the cake getting stuck to the pan, I decided to buy a new one.   I checked the grocery store near me and other smaller stores nearby, but no one sold bundt cake pans.  This was an opportune time for me to return to the new Wal-Mart for the needed pan and to get those Barbie fashions!

Husband returned with me and helped in the search for the dresses.  I only purchased three, and while there, I picked up two Ken fashions as well.

Matching purple shoes are included and I think the blue flowery looking thing, because of the strap, is supposed to be a purse.  I love this dress.  The fact that Barbie's name isn't plastered all over the fabric makes it easy for any playscale doll with similar proportions to diva-up and wear.

These two Ken fashions will be available for either S.I.S. Darren, Model 17, or the Texas A&M guy (should I ever decide to redress him).
Thanks for the inspiration, Erica. 

(I guess I really should learn to listen to my husband.  His vision for possibilities and future potential usually far exceeds mine.)


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  1. I did not see those dresses, but my Walmart is carrying some of the new accessory sets. The one I got has black boots with gold buckles, red gladiator pumps, gold choker and gold purse. I believe it was $3.97. It's pretty cute. They only had one of the set or I would have gotten another one to paint different colors.

    Another thing I noticed is that all the Kenya stuff is gone and they only had 1 weekend TJ on clearance for $9. That seemed like an abrupt riddance of the line.

  2. The accessory pack you have sounds like an upgrade. I hope to see it here soon, Muff!


  3. Thanks for sharing these new fashions, DBG! Especially love that midnight blue in fade denim jacket for Ken. Congratulations on getting those fab dresses - they are totally diva. And I agree that Trichelle rocks that outfit the most Although the other dolls look great in it, too. Thank Erica Alford Williams from me for the photo inspiration.

    That is so sweet and fun that your hubby gives you positive feedback and suggestions for your collection. You sound a perfect pair ;-)

    1. You are welcome, D7ana. I want to find the fashion pack that Muff described. Hope it arrives here soon.

      He won't admit it, but the dolls have actually grown on him, too, D7ana. I guess after being exposed to them for over the duration that I have collected (23 years) it's only natural for him to tolerate and even support my passion.


  4. The dresses are beautiful and I like the new Ken outfits and colors.

  5. I scored two of these dresses! One special lady is already modeling it on my bookcase! I didn't see the Ken outfits but I will check. I'm so proud of your husband not drinking any hateraide, it a wonderful thing!

    1. Great score, Brini! I know your doll looks lovely.

      I noticed a couple of sellers on and eBay attempting to sell this same $5.97 dress for 3 to 5 times more.


  6. I think many of us have experienced that moment of leaving something in the store, being proud of ourselves for not buying yet another dolly item, only to see someone's picture of that very item, and running back to the store to get it. It has happened to me countless times.

    Oh to be a fly on the wall and experience one of those classic conversations between you and your husband!

    1. Went to another Wal-Mart today, picked up one more of these fashions (because I gave the other three away). The new shoe pack that Muff mentioned was there. Will share photos soon.

      There's usually never a dull moment here, Vanessa.



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