
Monday, February 4, 2019

14R-Marked High-Heel Fashion Doll

1960s 14R Miss Revlon-Type Fashion Doll

After sharing a link to my blog post "2018 Dolls Given and Received," which includes information about an 18-inch circa 1960s high-heel fashion doll, the President of Motor City Doll Club informed me about a similar doll she wanted to sell. 

We worked out the transaction and the doll arrived shortly thereafter.

Dressed as a bride, the doll arrived in better-than-expected condition.

If memory serves me correctly, the previous owner indicated the doll's fashion was originally worn by another doll.  The dress and cloche-type hat, which might have formerly been the top of a bridal veil, fit her perfectly.

Her white vinyl high-heel shoes fit perfectly, too.  

I ironed the ribbons on her bouquet to refreshen.  Otherwise, she is perfect.

Her black rooted hair is shown from the back in this photo.
This circa 1960s 14R doll has black rooted hair which is still silky and maintains the original curl.  

She has brown sleep eyes with all eyelashes intact, and a one-piece stuffed vinyl body.  She is actually a twin to the doll shown here that now lives with my friend Debra R.  This doll wears her original drop pearl earrings.  

The white satin dress has a netting overlay that does not extend to the back.  The dress buttons in the back as illustrated in this full-view photo.

She is a welcome addition to my collection, which currently includes three other Miss Revlon-type dolls that can be seen at the end of this post.

See my Pinterest board of other 14R and other '50s to '60s Black high-heel fashion dolls here.

Visit a 14R doll database here.

There is always something to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.

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  1. She's lovely! Dolls of this vintage seem to have some of the best expressions on their faces. :)

    1. Thank you, jSarie. I love their air of sophistication.


  2. Hi Debbie. I follow you on BlogLovin' And when I get notice of a new post, I'm on my smartphone and I can get to your site. Sometimes when I try to leave comments I don't have the impression they get to you. So today I decided come to you via on my laptop. (Just wanted to let you know)
    That dolls is so very pretty. I love everything about her. She reminds me of dolls I had as a child except they were not black. But looking at her face, her hair, her outfit, really takes me back quite a few decades!!!

    1. Hi April,

      Thank you for following me on Bloglovin. I do receive your comments and thank you for your effort in making sure that I do.

      I have a quite an affection for dolls like these as they would have been the type I could have played with during my childhood had I known of their existence. There is something quite regal about this particular one and I am glad "she" found me.


  3. She is truly gorgeous!!! The dress, shoes and accessories are breathtaking! I’m so enamoured of these tall fashion dolls, I’ve always wanted to own a couple...just need to add them to the holy grail list....

    1. Thank you, Julius! I hope you're able to find a couple in perfect condition. The white ones seem to be plentiful. It's difficult finding black ones and even more difficult to find a black one in the condition of this one. I was truly blessed/lucky/favored. :-)



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