
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day!

Now that the inconvenience is over, blogging will resume here, for now.  Thank you again to those who read about the situation in my two previous blog posts and for the encouraging words and sentiments you expressed.

Little Red Dress Barbie

💕I'd like to wish each of you who celebrate it, a Happy Valentine's Day!💕


There is always something to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.

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  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you too! Glad the issue is over.

  2. Happy Valentine's Day!

    I'm glad the citation/ad issue has been cleared up (although it's a shame they couldn't give you a more detailed answer about what would have been flagged by the bot).

  3. Beautiful Valentine Barbie has given me a serious case of Eyeliner Nostalgia. In the 1970s I wore a liquid eyeliner which was removed by peeling it off. Terrifically convenient except when it decided to peel off on its own.

    1. I had to laugh out loud about your eyeline story, Gini. I wore the same liquid eyeliner (but not often) during the 1970s. I never had the problem of it peeling off on its own. :-)


  4. What a beautiful Valentine! It is a wonderful way to spread the love of dolls and show those who don't get what it means to have been chosen by dolls to be a collector what it means to us.

    1. Thank you, Pam. I'm not quite sure non-collectors will ever get us. When they think of dolls, they think of playthings for children. While they're not getting us, we'll just continue to enjoy our passion and hope for them that they find one of their own if they do not have one already. Everyone needs a passion.


  5. Happy Valentine's Day to you, Debbie. That is one beautiful doll. I've never seen a black Silkstone!

    1. Hi April,

      Thank you! I really love the Silkstones. They remind me of the Barbies I had as a child (none of which were black), but these use the same head and body molds.

      There have been other black ones. The ones I own can be viewed in a complexion comparison blog post here.

      See City Chic Suit here.

      See 1959 Debut Barbie here and here.

      See the first Silkstone AA Barbie, Lingerie Barbie #5, in her original lingerie here.


  6. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too. What a gorgeous doll!


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