
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

#SnapStar Dawn

#SnapStar Dawn

There are some new articulated 9-1/2-inch all-vinyl dolls by Yulu on the scene called #SnapStar available at Walmart.  My doll's name is Dawn.   She has the deepest complexion of the six dolls, five of which are featured at the top of their Instagram page.

The six #SnapStar dolls are illustrated on the side of Dawn's box.

They are Dawn, Echo, Aspen, Lola, Yuki, and Izzy.  Izzy has a medium tan complexion.

Dawn is illustrated on a side panel of her box.
There are separately sold fashions for the #SnapStar dolls.
While at Walmart, I purchased three of the six separately-sold fashions.  Two that I left are made of shimmery fabric that I do not care for.  The other is a cute white dress with white  Roman sandals that I should have purchased.

Dawn has brown stationary eyes and a brown, removable wig.  She wears a white satin blouse which is attached to black satin shorts.  She also wears a black satin jacket and black high-heel booties.  Black vinyl drop earrings and the black vinyl handbag she carries complete her look.  A cellphone, foldable green screen wall, and a green doll stand are also included.

Dawn's star-shaped green doll stand

The concept is to snap (photograph), style (using makeup and styling features of the app which is available in the App Store or Google Play) and share on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and other social media outlets.

Each doll has a theme and a brief bio.  Dawn's bio reads:

Fashion Diva! Dawn is a high-powered, high-fashion diva who only settles for the best – she knows what she wants and always gets it! Want to know where the party is? Call Dawn!
Dawn took her first photo outside the box using the green screen wall as the background.

Articulation illustration
In addition to the usual five points of articulation, the area underneath the mature bosom is articulated along with the elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles.

Dawn wears a 9-inch Bratz fashion and petite Barbie shoes.
I was unable to remove Dawn's black booties until I dipped her shoed feet into boiled water to loosen up the vinyl of the boots.  This might be a flaw that is isolated to my doll only, but quite possibly is not.

As illustrated in the photo immediately above, she can wear 9-inch Bratz clothes, but not the shoes because she has a full foot which is arched.  In the above photo, she wears a pair of flat shoes made for petite Barbie.

#SnapStar and LIV Comparison
Head sculpt comparison between LIV Alexis and Yulu's Dawn; Dawn's nose is a little broader than Alexis' nose.  Her chin is slightly narrower than Alexis'.

#SnapStar dolls look very similar to Spinmaster's LIV dolls.  Dawn is shorter and has a broader nose.  Like LIV, they even have painted hair underneath their removable wigs as illustrated next.

Dawn's black painted hair looks similar to LIV Alexis's painted hair.
Dawn's wig has a vinyl prong in the center.

Like LIV dolls, there is a hole in the center of Dawn's head where the wig prong attaches to the head.

They can wear each other's wig.

The fiber quality of Dawn's wig is inferior to that of  LIV wigs.  The poor quality of the wig and the shoe issue are the only two cons.  The shoe issue is more bothersome than the less than desirable wig quality.


There is always something to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.

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  1. I look forward to you trying out the apps and letting us know what you think.

    1. I think the apps feature is a novel concept along with the green screen. I am, however, very dissatisfied with the shoe issue, 😢 which will spoil the fun of redressing her to photograph.


  2. I like everything about them except the size of their heads. I dont know why they do that. Their bodies are small enough that my 1:12 ladies can fit them.

    1. Maybe you can do a body swap, TGM. I usually do not buy dolls with oversized heads like this. The LIV dolls were bad enough, but these are way out of proportion. I guess manufacturers assume this is what "children" want based on the popularity of Bratz dolls. They would have been much better with correct body and head proportions. I'm still bothered by the shoe issue.


  3. I’ve seen these all over social media and so glad to get an in-depth look...yes the shoe thing would annoy me too...not sure you should have to go looking for alternate solutions considering you purchased 3 fashion packs (I know that feeling when you leave something behind in the store and then kick yourself for the not picking it up in the first place!)? I like the Joséphine Baker vibe you get with her wig off...I’m tempted to pick her up as a portrait doll!

    1. Without the wig, Dawn does give a Josephine Baker vibe. Using her or Izzy as a portrait doll would work well, with the right outfit.

      I enjoyed Froggy and Little Froggy's
      of this line (the review starts at the 3:31 timestamp). Thanks again for letting me know it had been posted.




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