
Monday, April 22, 2019

Just for the Record

(Edited version of the original)

I know the readers of this blog understand why adults who collect dolls collect them, but for those who happen by and wonder why a grown woman collects dolls, this explains it all.  What do you like?


There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.

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  1. Thank you! No one questions grown men who collect tin soldiers, model trains, boats in bottles or postage stamps. So why question the mental health of women or men who collect dolls?

    1. You're exactly right, April. No one questions collectors of most other things, but when it comes to adults who collect dolls (since in the minds of the questioners dolls are for children), they have to wonder about our sanity. Dolls are not just playthings, but if an adult wants to play with dolls, that's okay, too.

      To those who do question us, I say, "Leave us alone and go find your own passion!"


  2. Yes! I collect bears and plush animals as well as dolls. They were always my favorite toys as a child and I love having the freedom to buy whichever ones I want. As April said, no one says such things about other toy collectors or hobbyists. I collect them because they give me joy, simple as that, and I'm not embarrassed about that.

    1. There is no need to be embarrassed about what brings joy to your life as long as it isn't negatively impacting anyone else.

      Enjoy your collections.


  3. Sales clerk: "Oh, are you buying this for your granddaughter?"
    Me: "No. She's all mine."
    Same for dollhouses and dollhouse miniatures. Sigh.
    I build theater costumes for one of the local high schools. We also do cast parties for the two mainstage shows every year. Teenagers are fascinated by dolls/dollhouses and those who have been to previous cast parties will offer to "do the tour" for the new actors. My husband has a garden railway, and teenagers love that, too -- selfies with the train!

    1. I have received similar questions when shopping for dolls, doll clothing, and accessories. When I enjoyed redressing child-size dolls, the question would be if I was buying for a grandchild. "No, they're for me," or "It's for a doll."

      Your theater work and work with teens sounds fascinating, Gini.


  4. I totally agree with what you have written.
    The way people assume that there is something wrong with me because I collect dolls. I even used to be ashamed of my passion for dolls because of the looks people gave or because of what they said.

    1. People can be masters at shaming others for doing things they do not understand. Please do not be ashamed of your passion for dolls.


  5. I've found that it's perfectly "normal" to collect them - playing with them is what gets me the look. I gave up trying to explain myself... I just freely admit to being a weirdo!

    1. You're not a weirdo, Jeanie. I used to refrain from using the word "play" with reference to dolls, but I no longer care what people think. My doll play involves redressing and posing the dolls for photographs. I have created only a few dioramas, which is a form of doll play as well. I consider it all joy that can be a form of therapy for some.


    2. But I like being a weirdo! It's way more fun than acting my age!

    3. Okay, Jeanie, as long as you're okay with it.



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