
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Ken Fashionista 130 Repaint and Redress

Ken Fashionista #130 in a stock photo

Ken Fashionista #130 is a darker-skinned version of Classic Cool Ken.  Like Classic Cool, #130 has molded cornrows.  Because Mattel painted these dolls' scalp the same color as the hair, I repainted the scalp to give a more realistic appearance.  Classic Cool's scalp repainting was done after the doll arrived in 2017.  I utilized free time during the 2019 holidays to repaint #130's scalp.  He was also redressed and also captured in size comparison images.  Images and captions of the repainting and redressing follow.

Ken is shown in before and after side-by-side shots that illustrate the unpainted scalp and the painted scalp from several angles.

The painted scalp provides the realism I desired. His lip color was darkened, too.

Face and Height Comparisons
Ken #130 poses with Classic Cool Ken for a height and face comparison.

A close-up of the guys' faces illustrates they share the same head sculpt.

This back-to-back photograph illustrates how much taller Classic Cool is than Ken #130.
A final height comparison between a Barbie of regular height (Travel Teen Nikki) and one that is petite (Cheerful Check/CeeCee) was made as shown here.  Ken #130 is about the same height as Nikki and slightly taller than CeeCee (the petite girl).

Ken Fashions
Even though one Fashion is labeled "Ken" and the other is labeled "Barbie," both fashions are Ken fashions.  

Ken #130 wears the first Ken fashion, which includes a camouflage sweatshirt, gray sweatpants that have a mock drawstring waist tie, and blue sandals.  Shown below, Ken mixed and matched this fashion with his original clothing and later with pieces from the second fashion.

Ken wears his original denim pants with the camo sweatshirt from Ken fashion #1 and the sandals from that fashion.

Here, Ken wears the camo sweatshirt with his original pants and sneakers.

Ken is now dressed in Ken fashion #2.  It includes a "New York" T-shirt with the image of a tiger.  Below the tiger are four pink roses.  Light gray sweatpants with a mock drawstring at the waist and a pair of low-top white sneakers complete this fashion which Ken later mixed and matched with other pieces of his original clothes and the first Ken fashion.

Ken wears the top from the second fashion with his original light-blue jeans and low-top white sneakers. 

The camo sweatshirt from the Ken fashion is now worn with the sweatpants and sneakers from fashion #2. 

I was somewhat confused by the box of fashion #2 being labeled "Barbie" and the flowers on the shirt.  I initially wondered if this was actually a Barbie fashion.  The shoes are marked Ken, as shown above, which confirms the fashion is Ken's.  


There are countless items to collect and write about. Black dolls chose me.

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  1. I liked the new cornrows. It looks good with the brown scalp. Enjoyed the fashion clothes too on the doll

    1. Thank you, Male Doll World. The parts are probably a little wider than they should be, but they look much better (to me) than the all-black hair/scalp Mattel created.


  2. I like this doll! I thought when I saw him online that he looked different. When I first saw him online, he looked angry but he doesn't look that way in person. Congrats.

    1. Thank you! No, he doesn't look angry at all. It's interesting that dolls that share the same head sculpt can have their own personalities. He and Classic Cool can definitely represent two different individuals.


  3. I really like his strong facial features. The camo top is my favorite.


  4. Thank you for sharing your findings!

    I agree that dolls with the same head mold can look different - I think it's due to the face screening. That's why it's sometimes best to see the doll in the vinyl to get the one you'd want most.

    1. I agree that it is the facial screening that makes dolls with the same head sculpt appear different. Ideally, I prefer to purchase my dolls in person, but sometimes it is more convenient for me to order online. This guy was purchased for me by my husband after he saw him at Walmart. They only had three. When he called me to describe him "they have a brother with braids" or something similar and told me there were only three, I asked him to look at each one to make sure the one he chose for me did not have any imperfections. I think he did well.


  5. It was such a delight to see you customize one of your dolls! I think you did a great job. There is something about this sculpt that lures you into giving this doll a makeover. After seeing what others had done with him, I decided to completely ignore the cornrows and instead, I added flocking to give him the look of short hair! (I really wanted real hair as opposed to molded hair.) I felt this doll's face was a bit too young, so I darkened his lips and painted on facial hair. In short...he was so much fun to customize!

    1. What you've done sounds wonderful, April! Have you published a post about your customization? If so, please share the link. If not, I'd still love to see photos. Thank you in advance!


    2. I didn't do a separate post on the steps I took, but if you go to my blog and search "High Five" (2/1/18) and scroll to nearly the bottom of the post, you'll see the before and after photo of the doll in question.

    3. Wonderful! I will do that now. It's the after that I am most interested in seeing.


    4. Your guy looks wonderful with flocked hair and a tattooed chest. Great job! He's so much more mature looking now. Using nail art to create tattoos is a great idea.



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